[PATCH 3/3] [RFC] KVM test: client parallel test execution

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This patch adds a control.parallel file that runs several test execution queues
in parallel.

The number of queues is set to the number of CPUs reported by /proc/cpuinfo.
It can be changed by modifying the control file.
The total amount of RAM defaults to 3/4 times what 'free -m' reports.

The scheduler's job is to make sure tests run in parallel only when there are
sufficient resources to allow it.  For example, a test that requires 2 CPUs
will not run together with a test that requires 3 CPUs on a 4 CPU machine.
The same logic applies to RAM.

Note that tests that require more CPUs and/or more RAM than the machine has are
allowed to run alone, e.g. a test that requires 3GB of RAM is allowed to run
on a machine with only 2GB of RAM, but no tests will run in parallel to it.

Currently TAP networking isn't supported by this scheduler because the main MAC
address pool must be divided between the queues ("workers").  This should be
straightforward to do but I haven't had the time to do it yet.

scan_results.py can be used to list the test results during and after

Signed-off-by: Michael Goldish <mgoldish@xxxxxxxxxx>
 client/tests/kvm/control.parallel |  320 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 client/tests/kvm/control.parallel

diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/control.parallel b/client/tests/kvm/control.parallel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cec5cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/control.parallel
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+AUTHOR = """
+uril@xxxxxxxxxx (Uri Lublin)
+drusso@xxxxxxxxxx (Dror Russo)
+mgoldish@xxxxxxxxxx (Michael Goldish)
+dhuff@xxxxxxxxxx (David Huff)
+aeromenk@xxxxxxxxxx (Alexey Eromenko)
+mburns@xxxxxxxxxx (Mike Burns)
+NAME = 'KVM test'
+TEST_TYPE = 'client'
+TEST_CLASS = 'Virtualization'
+TEST_CATEGORY = 'Functional'
+DOC = """
+Executes the KVM test framework on a given host. This module is separated in
+minor functions, that execute different tests for doing Quality Assurance on
+KVM (both kernelspace and userspace) code.
+import sys, os, select, commands, re
+# set English environment (command output might be localized, need to be safe)
+os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8'
+# Enable modules import from current directory (tests/kvm)
+pwd = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'],'tests/kvm')
+# ------------------------
+# create required symlinks
+# ------------------------
+# When dispatching tests from autotest-server the links we need do not exist on
+# the host (the client). The following lines create those symlinks. Change
+# 'rootdir' here and/or mount appropriate directories in it.
+# When dispatching tests on local host (client mode) one can either setup kvm
+# links, or same as server mode use rootdir and set all appropriate links and
+# mount-points there. For example, guest installation tests need to know where
+# to find the iso-files.
+# We create the links only if not already exist, so if one already set up the
+# links for client/local run we do not touch the links.
+iso=os.path.join(rootdir, 'iso')
+images=os.path.join(rootdir, 'images')
+qemu=os.path.join(rootdir, 'qemu')
+qemu_img=os.path.join(rootdir, 'qemu-img')
+def link_if_not_exist(ldir, target, link_name):
+    t = target
+    l = os.path.join(ldir, link_name)
+    if not os.path.exists(l):
+        os.system('ln -s %s %s' % (t, l))
+# Create links only if not already exist
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, '../../', 'autotest')
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, iso, 'isos')
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, images, 'images')
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, qemu, 'qemu')
+link_if_not_exist(pwd, qemu_img, 'qemu-img')
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# Params that will be passed to the KVM install/build test
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+params = {
+    "name": "kvm_install",
+    "shortname": "kvm_install",
+    "type": "kvm_install",
+    "mode": "release",
+    #"mode": "snapshot",
+    #"mode": "localtar",
+    #"mode": "localsrc",
+    #"mode": "git",
+    #"mode": "noinstall",
+    ## Are we going to load modules built by this test?
+    ## Defaults to 'yes', so if you are going to provide only userspace code to
+    ## be built by this test, please set load_modules to 'no', and make sure
+    ## the kvm and kvm-[vendor] module is already loaded by the time you start
+    ## it.
+    #"load_modules": "no",
+    ## Install from a kvm release ("mode": "release"). You can optionally
+    ## specify a release tag. If you omit it, the test will get the latest
+    ## release tag available.
+    #"release_tag": '84',
+    "release_dir": 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kvm/',
+    ## Install from a kvm snapshot location ("mode": "snapshot"). You can
+    ## optionally specify a snapshot date. If you omit it, the test will get
+    ## yesterday's snapshot.
+    #"snapshot_date": '20090712'
+    #"snapshot_dir": 'http://foo.org/kvm-snapshots/',
+    ## Install from a tarball ("mode": "localtar")
+    #"tarball": "/tmp/kvm-84.tar.gz",
+    ## Install from a local source code dir ("mode": "localsrc")
+    #"srcdir": "/path/to/source-dir"
+    ## Install from git ("mode": "git")
+    ## If you provide only "git_repo" and "user_git_repo", the build test
+    ## will assume it will perform all build from the userspace dir, building
+    ## modules trough make -C kernel LINUX=%s sync. As of today (07-13-2009)
+    ## we need 3 git repos, "git_repo" (linux sources), "user_git_repo" and 
+    ## "kmod_repo" to build KVM userspace + kernel modules.
+    #"git_repo": 'git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/avi/kvm.git',
+    #"user_git_repo": 'git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/virt/kvm/qemu-kvm.git',
+    #"kmod_repo": 'git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/virt/kvm/kvm-kmod.git'
+# If you don't want to execute the build stage, just use 'noinstall' as the
+# install type. If you run the tests from autotest-server, make sure that
+# /tmp/kvm-autotest-root/qemu is a link to your existing executable. Note that
+# if kvm_install is chose to run, it overwrites existing qemu and qemu-img
+# links to point to the newly built executables.
+r = True
+r = job.run_test("kvm", params=params, tag=params.get("shortname"))
+if not r:
+    print 'kvm_installation failed ... exiting'
+    sys.exit(1)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+# Get test set (dictionary list) from the configuration file
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
+import kvm_config, kvm, kvm_vm, kvm_subprocess
+filename = os.path.join(pwd, "kvm_tests.cfg")
+cfg = kvm_config.config(filename)
+# If desirable, make changes to the test configuration here.  For example:
+# cfg.parse_string("only fc8_quick")
+# cfg.parse_string("display = sdl")
+filename = os.path.join(pwd, "kvm_address_pools.cfg")
+if os.path.exists(filename):
+    cfg.parse_file(filename)
+    hostname = os.uname()[1].split(".")[0]
+    if cfg.filter("^" + hostname):
+        cfg.parse_string("only ^%s" % hostname)
+    else:
+        cfg.parse_string("only ^default_host")
+tests = cfg.get_list()
+# -------------
+# Run the tests
+# -------------
+# total_cpus defaults to the number of CPUs reported by /proc/cpuinfo
+total_cpus = len(re.findall(r"\bprocessor\s*:", open("/proc/cpuinfo").read()))
+# total_mem defaults to 3/4 of the total memory reported by 'free'
+total_mem = int(commands.getoutput("free -m").splitlines()[1].split()[1]) * 3/4
+# We probably won't need more workers than CPUs
+num_workers = total_cpus
+# Pipes -- s stands for scheduler, w stands for worker
+s2w = [os.pipe() for i in range(num_workers)]
+w2s = [os.pipe() for i in range(num_workers)]
+s2w_r = [os.fdopen(r, "r", 0) for r, w in s2w]
+s2w_w = [os.fdopen(w, "w", 0) for r, w in s2w]
+w2s_r = [os.fdopen(r, "r", 0) for r, w in w2s]
+w2s_w = [os.fdopen(w, "w", 0) for r, w in w2s]
+# "Personal" worker dicts contain modifications that are applied specifically
+# to each worker.  For example, each worker must use a different environment
+# file and a different MAC address pool.
+worker_dicts = [{"env": "env%d" % i} for i in range(num_workers)]
+def worker(index):
+    r = s2w_r[index]
+    w = w2s_w[index]
+    self_dict = worker_dicts[index]
+    # Inform the scheduler this worker is ready
+    w.write("ready\n")
+    while True:
+        cmd = r.readline().split()
+        if not cmd:
+            continue
+        # The scheduler wants us to run a test
+        if cmd[0] == "run":
+            test_index = int(cmd[1])
+            test = tests[test_index].copy()
+            test.update(self_dict)
+            test_iterations = int(test.get("iterations", 1))
+            status = job.run_test("kvm", params=test,
+                                  tag=test.get("shortname"),
+                                  iterations=test_iterations)
+            w.write("done %s %s\n" % (test_index, status))
+            w.write("ready\n")
+        # The scheduler wants us to sleep until there's work to do, so shut
+        # down everything in the environment
+        elif cmd[0] == "sleep":
+            env_filename = os.path.join(pwd, self_dict["env"])
+            env = kvm.load_env(env_filename, {})
+            for obj in env.values():
+                if isinstance(obj, kvm_vm.VM):
+                    obj.destroy()
+                elif isinstance(obj, kvm_subprocess.kvm_spawn):
+                    obj.close()
+            kvm.dump_env(env, env_filename)
+        # There's no more work for this worker
+        elif cmd[0] == "terminate":
+            break
+def scheduler():
+    idle_workers = []
+    test_status = ["waiting"] * len(tests)
+    test_worker = [None] * len(tests)
+    used_cpus = 0
+    used_mem = 0
+    while True:
+        # Wait for a message from a worker
+        r, w, x = select.select(w2s_r, [], [])
+        someone_is_ready = False
+        for pipe in r:
+            msg = pipe.readline().split()
+            worker_index = w2s_r.index(pipe)
+            if not msg:
+                continue
+            # A worker is ready -- add it to the idle_workers list
+            if msg[0] == "ready":
+                worker_index = w2s_r.index(pipe)
+                idle_workers.append(worker_index)
+                someone_is_ready = True
+            # A worker completed a test
+            elif msg[0] == "done":
+                test_index = int(msg[1])
+                test = tests[test_index]
+                status = int(eval(msg[2]))
+                test_status[test_index] = ("fail", "pass")[status]
+                # If the test failed, mark all dependent tests as "failed" too
+                if not status:
+                    for i, other_test in enumerate(tests):
+                        for dep in other_test.get("depend", []):
+                            if dep in test["name"]:
+                                test_status[i] = "fail"
+                # Update used_cpus and used_mem
+                used_cpus -= int(test.get("used_cpus", 1))
+                used_mem -= int(test.get("used_mem", 128))
+        if someone_is_ready:
+            for worker in idle_workers[::-1]:
+                # Find a test for this worker
+                for i, test in enumerate(tests):
+                    # We only want "waiting" tests
+                    if test_status[i] != "waiting":
+                        continue
+                    # We can't run the test if we're using too many CPUs
+                    test_used_cpus = int(test.get("used_cpus", 1))
+                    if used_cpus and used_cpus + test_used_cpus > total_cpus:
+                        continue
+                    # ... or if we're using too much memory
+                    test_used_mem = int(test.get("used_mem", 128))
+                    if used_mem and used_mem + test_used_mem > total_mem:
+                        continue
+                    # Make sure that the test's dependencies are satisfied and
+                    # that the test isn't reserved for another worker
+                    for dep in test["depend"]:
+                        for j, other_test in enumerate(tests):
+                            if dep not in other_test["name"]:
+                                continue
+                            if test_status[j] != "pass":
+                                break
+                            if test_worker[j] is None:
+                                continue
+                            if test_worker[j] != worker:
+                                break
+                        else:
+                            continue
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        # All dependencies satisfied
+                        test_status[i] = "running"
+                        test_worker[i] = worker
+                        idle_workers.remove(worker)
+                        # Update used_cpus and used_mem
+                        used_cpus += test_used_cpus
+                        used_mem += test_used_mem
+                        # Tell the worker to run the test
+                        s2w_w[worker].write("run %s\n" % i)
+                        break
+                else:
+                    # Could not find a test for this worker
+                    s2w_w[worker].write("sleep\n")
+            # If there are no more new tests to run, terminate the workers and
+            # the scheduler
+            if len(idle_workers) == num_workers:
+                for worker in idle_workers:
+                    s2w_w[worker].write("terminate\n")
+                break
+# Start the scheduler and workers
+job.parallel([scheduler], *[(worker, i) for i in range(num_workers)])
+# create the html report in result dir
+reporter = os.path.join(pwd, 'make_html_report.py')
+html_file = os.path.join(job.resultdir,'results.html')
+os.system('%s -r %s -f %s -R'%(reporter, job.resultdir, html_file))

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