Hi Today is a call becasue there are topics, in case you missed. Notice that this call is in USA time, so if you are not there, it is inside possiblity that it is one hour sooner that you are used to. See the calendar. * Clarify the feedback on the latest revision of multi-process QEMU patches concerning: - Command-line: It's not clear what's the preferred approach to pass command-line parameters for the remote process. We are wondering if it's OK to accept the command-line parameters for the remote as a single string, or if it should be on multiple lines? - Refactoring migration related code: We realize that some of the modules we have built into the remote process (such as block and migration) compile more code than is required by the remote process. Ideally, we could refactor them to utilize just the pieces of code needed. However, this problem of refactoring has a larger scope. Could this be addressed in later projects? Call details: By popular demand, a google calendar public entry with it https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=dG9iMXRqcXAzN3Y4ZXZwNzRoMHE4a3BqcXNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ (Let me know if you have any problems with the calendar entry. I just gave up about getting right at the same time CEST, CET, EDT and DST). If you need phone number details, contact me privately Thanks, Juan.