Looks like there really are only 3 lines to read. Telnet is printing those lines, not windows. It's just indicating that it successfully connected. Windows is saying nothing. This is a little weird, because: - It can happen when the telnet server isn't running at all, but it seemed to be running fine when you connected manually. - It can happen when trying to connect to the wrong port, but I see you set the port to 23. It can also happen due to the short default timeout of 10 seconds. Windows can take longer than that to send something. Are you sure you increased the timeout? You only sent a log of 4 seconds (starting at 12:27:25). How long does read_until_output_matches() wait before it gives up? ----- Original Message ----- From: "sudhir kumar" <smalikphy@xxxxxxxxx> To: "kvm-devel" <kvm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Cc: "Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues" <mrodrigu@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Michael Goldish" <mgoldish@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Ryan Harper" <ryanh@xxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 8:06:32 AM (GMT+0200) Auto-Detected Subject: [AUTOTEST]telnet login fails in win2k8 DC 64. here are debug and other info Hi, I am seeing a telnet failure in autotest to a win2k8 DC 64 bit guest. I have tried some debugging and came to a conclusion that read_nonblocking() is reading only 3 lines. let me first print the output of manual login # telnet -l Administrator 23 Trying Connected to ichigo-dom100.linuxperf9025.net ( Escape character is '^]'. Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service password: *=============================================================== Microsoft Telnet Server. *=============================================================== C:\Users\Administrator> Now autotest only reads the first 3 lines(upto Escape.....). It seems windows is doing something nasty here. I have put some debug prints in the code and here is the output. let me first put the code snippet from kvm_utils.py with added debug prints. def read_until_output_matches(self, patterns, filter=lambda(x):x, timeout=30.0, internal_timeout=3.0, print_func=None): <snip> end_time = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < end_time: # Read data from child newdata = self.read_nonblocking(internal_timeout) print("DEBUG: Printing data read by read_nonblocking from output:") print("DEBUG: data read from output is %s" % newdata) print("DEBUG: Printing data read by read_nonblocking from output done.") # Print it if necessary if print_func and newdata: map(print_func, newdata.splitlines()) data += newdata print("DEBUG: Printing accumulated data read from output:") print("DEBUG: accumulated data read from output is %s" % data) print("DEBUG: Printing accumulated data read from output done.") done = False # Look for patterns print("DEBUG: Printing data after filter:") print("DEBUG: filtered data is %s" % filter(data)) print("DEBUG: Printing data after filter done:") match = self.match_patterns(filter(data), patterns) if match != None: done = True # Check if child has died if self.poll() != None: logging.debug("Process terminated with status %d", self.poll()) done = True # Are we done? if done: break <snip> Here is the output once the guest comes up. 12:27:25 INFO | DEBUG: Printing data read by read_nonblocking from output: 12:27:25 INFO | DEBUG: data read from output is Trying 12:27:25 INFO | Connected to ichigo-dom100.linuxperf9025.net ( 12:27:25 INFO | Escape character is '^]'. 12:27:25 INFO | 12:27:25 INFO | DEBUG: Printing data read by read_nonblocking from output done. 12:27:25 INFO | DEBUG: Printing accumulated data read from output: 12:27:25 INFO | DEBUG: accumulated data read from output is Trying 12:27:25 INFO | Connected to ichigo-dom100.linuxperf9025.net ( 12:27:25 INFO | Escape character is '^]'. 12:27:25 INFO | 12:27:25 INFO | DEBUG: Printing accumulated data read from output done. 12:27:25 INFO | DEBUG: Printing data after filter: 12:27:25 INFO | DEBUG: filtered data is Escape character is '^]'. 12:27:25 INFO | DEBUG: Printing data after filter done: 12:27:29 INFO | DEBUG: Printing data read by read_nonblocking from output: 12:27:29 INFO | DEBUG: data read from output is 12:27:29 INFO | DEBUG: Printing data read by read_nonblocking from output done. 12:27:29 INFO | DEBUG: Printing accumulated data read from output: 12:27:29 INFO | DEBUG: accumulated data read from output is Trying 12:27:29 INFO | Connected to ichigo-dom100.linuxperf9025.net ( 12:27:29 INFO | Escape character is '^]'. 12:27:29 INFO | 12:27:29 INFO | DEBUG: Printing accumulated data read from output done. 12:27:29 INFO | DEBUG: Printing data after filter: 12:27:29 INFO | DEBUG: filtered data is Escape character is '^]'. 12:27:29 INFO | DEBUG: Printing data after filter done: and so on... timeout elapses and test fails. I am not able to find out why read_nonblocking() is reading only 3 lines. I have tried increasing the timeouts and internal_timeouts as well. But no luck. Here is how my kvm_tests.cfg looks like. # colorful prompt, so migration_test_command will fail, try with telnet ssh_prompt = "C:\Users\Administrator>" ssh_port = 23 use_telnet = yes Any clues ? -- Sudhir Kumar -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe kvm" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html