A while back I converted a raw disk image to qcow2 to be able to use
snapshots. However I realize that I may not really understand exactly
how snapshots work. In this particular case, I'm only talking about
internal snapshots currently as there seems to be some differences of
opinion as to whether internal or external are safer/more reliable. I'm
also only talking about shutdown state snapshots, so it should just be
the disk that is snapshotted.
As I understand it, the first snapshot freezes the base image and
subsequent changes in the virtual machine's disk are stored elsewhere in
the qcow2 file (remember, only internal snapshots). If I take a second
snapshot, that freezes the first one, and subsequent changes are now in
third location. Each new snapshot is incremental to the one that
preceded it rather than differential to the base image. Each new
snapshot is a child of the previous one.
One explanation I've seen of the process is if I delete a snapshot, the
changes it contains are merged with its immediate child. So if I deleted
the first snapshot, the base image stays the same but any data that has
changed since the base image is now in the second snapshot's location.
The merge with children explanation also implies that the base image is
never touched even if the first snapshot is deleted.
But if I delete a snapshot that has no children, is that essentially the
same as reverting to the point that snapshot was created and all
subsequent disk changes are lost? Or does it merge down to the parent
snapshot? If I delete all snapshots, would that revert to the base image?
I've seen it explained that a snapshot is very much like a timestamp so
deleting a timestamp removes the dividing line between writes that
occurred before and after that time, so that data is really only removed
if I revert to some time stamp - all writes after that point are
discarded. In this explanation, deleting the oldest timestamp is
essentially updating the base image. Deleting all snapshots would leave
me with the base image fully updated.
Frankly, the second explanation sounds more reasonable to me, without
having to figure out how copy-on-write works, But I'm dealing with
important data here and I don't want to mess it up by mishandling the
Can some provide a little clarity on this? Thanks!