On 06/18/2009 04:17 PM, Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues wrote:
On Fri, 2009-06-12 at 21:27 +0800, Yolkfull Chow wrote:
Following are the differences between version 1:
1) use framework to destroy VMs except the main_vm
2) use snapshot to boot other VMs except the first one
Hi Yolkfull, Michael and Uri already made a thorough first comment about
your test, and I have a minor thing to note (and I admit I'm being picky
+ # check whether all previous ssh sessions are responsive
+ for i, vm_session in enumerate(sessions):
+ if vm_session.get_command_status(params.get("alive_test_cmd")):
+ raise error.TestFail("Session #%d is not responsive" % i)
+ num += 1
+ except (error.TestFail, OSError):
+ for se in sessions:
+ se.close()
+ logging.info("Total number booted: %d" % num)
+ raise
+ else:
+ for se in sessions:
+ se.close()
+ logging.info("Total number booted: %d" % num)
When the test finishes successfuly, the counter num will be incremented
by one, will break the while condition and later will be used to print
the number of vms successfuly booted. In the end the total number of vms
booted that the test will report is the actual number of vms booted plus
1. To fix this we can either:
* Just subtract 1 from num at the last info logging call;
* Remove num initialization and replace the while loop by a
for num in range(1, int(params.get("max_vms")):
this way we don't even need to increment num manually.
It's up to you which one you're going to implement. I have tested your
code and it works fine (aside from the minor cosmetic issue). Once you
send me an updated version, I am going to apply it.
Thanks for your work!
Hi Lucas, I also found the number counting problem later after sending
the patch. I haven't been able to re-send the updated one since I got
some other things to deal with in these days. Sorry for that...
Please see attachment for updated version. Thank you so much. :)
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm.py b/client/tests/kvm/kvm.py
index 9428162..43d7bbc 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm.py
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm.py
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class kvm(test.test):
"autotest": test_routine("kvm_tests", "run_autotest"),
"kvm_install": test_routine("kvm_install", "run_kvm_install"),
"linux_s3": test_routine("kvm_tests", "run_linux_s3"),
+ "stress_boot": test_routine("kvm_tests", "run_stress_boot"),
# Make it possible to import modules from the test's bindir
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
index 2c0b321..7f4e9b9 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.cfg.sample
@@ -82,6 +82,11 @@ variants:
- linux_s3: install setup
type = linux_s3
+ - stress_boot:
+ type = stress_boot
+ max_vms = 5
+ alive_test_cmd = ps aux
# NICs
- @rtl8139:
@@ -292,6 +297,8 @@ variants:
password = 123456
migration_test_command = ver && vol
+ stress_boot:
+ alive_test_cmd = systeminfo
- Win2000:
diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.py b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.py
index 4270cae..11f7bf0 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.py
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/kvm_tests.py
@@ -474,3 +474,77 @@ def run_linux_s3(test, params, env):
logging.info("VM resumed after S3")
+def run_stress_boot(tests, params, env):
+ """
+ Boots VMs until one of them becomes unresponsive, and records the maximum
+ number of VMs successfully started:
+ 1) boot the first vm
+ 2) boot the second vm cloned from the first vm, check whether it boots up
+ and all booted vms can ssh-login
+ 3) go on until cannot create VM anymore or cannot allocate memory for VM
+ @param test: kvm test object
+ @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
+ @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
+ """
+ # boot the first vm
+ vm = kvm_utils.env_get_vm(env, params.get("main_vm"))
+ if not vm:
+ raise error.TestError("VM object not found in environment")
+ if not vm.is_alive():
+ raise error.TestError("VM seems to be dead; Test requires a living VM")
+ logging.info("Waiting for first guest to be up...")
+ session = kvm_utils.wait_for(vm.ssh_login, 240, 0, 2)
+ if not session:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not log into first guest")
+ num = 2
+ vms = []
+ sessions = [session]
+ # boot the VMs
+ while num <= int(params.get("max_vms")):
+ try:
+ vm_name = "vm" + str(num)
+ # clone vm according to the first one
+ vm_params = params.copy()
+ vm_params['image_snapshot'] = "yes"
+ vm_params['kill_vm'] = "yes"
+ vm_params['kill_vm_gracefully'] = "no"
+ curr_vm = vm.clone(vm_name, vm_params)
+ kvm_utils.env_register_vm(env, vm_name, curr_vm)
+ params['vms'] += " " + vm_name
+ #vms.append(curr_vm)
+ logging.info("Booting guest #%d" % num)
+ if not curr_vm.create():
+ raise error.TestFail("Cannot create VM #%d" % num)
+ curr_vm_session = kvm_utils.wait_for(curr_vm.ssh_login, 240, 0, 2)
+ if not curr_vm_session:
+ raise error.TestFail("Could not log into guest #%d" % num)
+ logging.info("Guest #%d boots up successfully" % num)
+ sessions.append(curr_vm_session)
+ # check whether all previous ssh sessions are responsive
+ for i, vm_session in enumerate(sessions):
+ if vm_session.get_command_status(params.get("alive_test_cmd")):
+ raise error.TestFail("Session #%d is not responsive" % i)
+ num += 1
+ except (error.TestFail, OSError):
+ for se in sessions:
+ se.close()
+ logging.info("Total number booted: %d" % (num - 1))
+ raise
+ else:
+ for se in sessions:
+ se.close()
+ logging.info("Total number booted: %d" % (num -1))