Hi, I'd like to report that when upgrading our cluster from 4.14.18 to 4.14.24-rc1 (with live guests migration), almost none of guests survived.. I noticed that most of them got stuck in "paused" state without possibility to resume (virsh just reported guest cannot be continued and needs to be rebooted). in dmesg, lots of following messages appeared: [ 116.593508] device vnet0 entered promiscuous mode [ 124.143532] *** Guest State *** [ 124.143594] CR0: actual=0x0000000000000030, shadow=0x0000000060000010, gh_mask=fffffffffffffff7 [ 124.143668] CR4: actual=0x0000000000002050, shadow=0x0000000000000000, gh_mask=ffffffffffffe871 [ 124.143871] CR3 = 0x00000000feffc000 [ 124.143984] RSP = 0xffffffff82003e98 RIP = 0xffffffff816df002 [ 124.144102] RFLAGS=0x00000246 DR7 = 0x0000000000000400 [ 124.144221] Sysenter RSP=0000000000000000 CS:RIP=0000:0000000000000000 [ 124.144341] CS: sel=0xf000, attr=0x0009b, limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x00000000ffff0000 [ 124.144516] DS: sel=0x0000, attr=0x00093, limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x0000000000000000 [ 124.144692] SS: sel=0x0000, attr=0x00093, limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x0000000000000000 [ 124.144907] ES: sel=0x0000, attr=0x00093, limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x0000000000000000 [ 124.145089] FS: sel=0x0000, attr=0x00093, limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x0000000000000000 [ 124.145272] GS: sel=0x0000, attr=0x00093, limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x0000000000000000 [ 124.145447] GDTR: limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x0000000000000000 [ 124.145626] LDTR: sel=0x0000, attr=0x00082, limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x0000000000000000 [ 124.145814] IDTR: limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x0000000000000000 [ 124.145995] TR: sel=0x0000, attr=0x0008b, limit=0x0000ffff, base=0x0000000000000000 [ 124.146173] EFER = 0x0000000000000000 PAT = 0x0007040600070406 [ 124.146292] DebugCtl = 0x0000000000000000 DebugExceptions = 0x0000000000000000 [ 124.146466] Interruptibility = 00000000 ActivityState = 00000000 [ 124.146579] *** Host State *** [ 124.146687] RIP = 0xffffffffa046a817 RSP = 0xffffc900200a7cb8 [ 124.146832] CS=0010 SS=0018 DS=0000 ES=0000 FS=0000 GS=0000 TR=0040 [ 124.146961] FSBase=00007fe82eff7700 GSBase=ffff881fffb40000 TRBase=fffffe00000df000 [ 124.147144] GDTBase=fffffe00000dd000 IDTBase=fffffe0000000000 [ 124.147262] CR0=0000000080050033 CR3=0000001f5b8fe004 CR4=00000000000626e0 [ 124.147381] Sysenter RSP=fffffe00000de200 CS:RIP=0010:ffffffff81801f60 [ 124.147499] EFER = 0x0000000000000d01 PAT = 0x0407050600070106 [ 124.147614] *** Control State *** [ 124.147734] PinBased=0000007f CPUBased=96a1e9fa SecondaryExec=000004f2 [ 124.147849] EntryControls=0000d1ff ExitControls=002fefff [ 124.147965] ExceptionBitmap=00060042 PFECmask=00000000 PFECmatch=00000000 [ 124.148085] VMEntry: intr_info=80000081 errcode=00000000 ilen=00000000 [ 124.148201] VMExit: intr_info=00000000 errcode=00000000 ilen=00000000 [ 124.148318] reason=80000021 qualification=0000000000000000 [ 124.148432] IDTVectoring: info=00000000 errcode=00000000 [ 124.148545] TSC Offset = 0xffed7296fb06bc34 [ 124.148655] TPR Threshold = 0x00 [ 124.148770] EPT pointer = 0x0000001f1a0af01e [ 124.148882] PLE Gap=00000080 Window=00001000 [ 124.148995] Virtual processor ID = 0x0001 (never seen anything like that) I haven't yet went through all patches between those two versions, so don't have any suspicion yet.. If anyone recognizes this as known problem, please let me know.. I'm going to try whether I'm able to reproduce the problem. BR nik -- ------------------------------------- Ing. Nikola CIPRICH LinuxBox.cz, s.r.o. 28.rijna 168, 709 00 Ostrava tel.: +420 591 166 214 fax: +420 596 621 273 mobil: +420 777 093 799 www.linuxbox.cz mobil servis: +420 737 238 656 email servis: servis@xxxxxxxxxxx -------------------------------------