Dear experts, I have a situation where I need guest VM access to the endpoint functionality of PCIe switches in the PLX (now part of Boradcom) family (eg. PEX8664). >From what I have read, KVM does not allow pass through of bridges and switches, I get that. However, these PLX devices have a significant amount of endpoint functionality such as GPIO ports, SPI and I2C controllers, and other control functionality through registers in BAR 0. Some devices in the family even have general purpose DMA engines. I need to be able to access these from within a guest VM, however they are not accessible to be set as pass through because bridges and switches are prevented from be marked as such. How can I get around this restriction? Thanks for any insight or wisdom, ----------------------------------------------------- Russ Poffenberger | System Architecture Group Phone: +1 / 408 / 635-6049 russell.poffenberger@xxxxxxxxxx Xcerra Corporation, LTX/Credence Division 880 N. McCarthy Blvd, Suite 100 Milpitas, CA 95035, USA -----------------------------------------------------