On 02/01/2018 18:34, Andrew Davis wrote: > > trace-01-boot.tar.gz (16G -> 1.7G compressed), trace-cmd record -e kvm I can tell it's this one from the size. :) Note that I only really need a few seconds of trace (even 1-2 seconds until the ticks start slowing down, but I have no idea what's happening after that point which is why I said 10 originally). Is it really that big if you trace an otherwise idle VM? Paolo > trace-02-date-loop-started.tar.gz (4.9M -> 1M compressed), trace-cmd > record -e kvm -c -F -P 19582 > trace-03-date-loop-running.tar.gz (5.3M -> 1.1M compressed) trace-cmd > record -e kvm -F -P 19582 > > > >