Not very sure if this is the place to report.
I am having an issue with an USB Atmel-ICE JTAG probe, using Atmel
Studio in a Windows 7 guest (32-bit). The probe is seen OK, I can flash
the target device.
The problem is in a debug session: the program flow is completely
erratic (it does not follow the program sequence).
I did the same test with Virtualbox (same host, 64-bit guest) and I do
not have that issue.
$ uname -a
Linux linux2 4.13.11-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Nov 2 10:25:56 CET 2017
x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ pacman -Q qemu
qemu 2.10.1-1
$ pacman -Q libvirt
libvirt 3.9.0-1