On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 09:56 +0300, Avi Kivity wrote: > Ross Boylan wrote: > > I just installed XP into a new VM, specifying -smp 2 for the machine. > > According to top, it's using nearly 200% of a cpu even when I'm not > > doing anything. > > > > Is this real CPU useage, or just a reporting problem (just as my disk > > image is big according to ls, but isn't really)? > > > > If it's real, is there anything I can do about it? > > > > kvm 0.7.2 on Debian Lenny (but 2.6.29 kernel), amd64. Xeon chips; 32 > > bit version of XP pro installed, now fully patched (including the > > Windows Genuine Advantage stuff, though I cancelled it when it wanted to > > run). > > > > Task manager in XP shows virtually no CPU useage. > > > > Please cc me on responses. > > > > > > I'm guessing Windows uses a pio port to sleep, which kvm doesn't > support. Can you provide kvm_stat output? markov:~# kvm_stat -1 efer_reload 0 0 exits 9921384 566 fpu_reload 267970 0 halt_exits 1 0 halt_wakeup 3 0 host_state_reload 4026050 17 hypercalls 0 0 insn_emulation 1329455 0 insn_emulation_fail 154 0 invlpg 176773 0 io_exits 3818270 0 irq_exits 1434046 566 irq_injections 326730 0 irq_window 164827 0 largepages 0 0 mmio_exits 35892 0 mmu_cache_miss 29760 0 mmu_flooded 19908 0 mmu_pde_zapped 15557 0 mmu_pte_updated 82088 0 mmu_pte_write 97990 0 mmu_recycled 0 0 mmu_shadow_zapped 43276 0 mmu_unsync 891 0 mmu_unsync_global 0 0 nmi_injections 0 0 nmi_window 0 0 pf_fixed 1231164 0 pf_guest 276083 0 remote_tlb_flush 115606 0 request_irq 0 0 request_nmi 0 0 signal_exits 5 0 tlb_flush 960198 0 This is with the VM displaying the XP "It is now safe to turn off your computer". CPU remains about 200% from kvm. Invoked with sudo vdeq kvm -net nic,vlan=1,macaddr=52:54:a0:12:01:00 \ -net vde,vlan=1,sock=/var/run/vde2/tap0.ctl \ -std-vga -hda XP.raw \ -boot c \ -soundhw es1370 -localtime -no-acpi -m 1G -smp 2 Next I'll trying fiddling with acpi. -- Ross Boylan wk: (415) 514-8146 185 Berry St #5700 ross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dept of Epidemiology and Biostatistics fax: (415) 514-8150 University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, CA 94107-1739 hm: (415) 550-1062 -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe kvm" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html