Zvi Dubitzky wrote:
I am using kvmctl under linux k 2.6.27 . kvm is part of the kernel .
Ubuntu distro
1. When I run : kvmctl <flat file> when flatfile is :
The machine get stuck for a long time. I have to abort with CtrlC
Can you tell what is wrong or the above kernel ver does not have the
'kvmctl' fully operatinal ?
Most .flats want the bootstrap first:
kvmctl user/test/x86/bootstrap blah.flat
2. Where can I see the full set of the flatfile keywords (aside from
those in the above link's example)
I udnerstand that if the repertoire is not full then I should avoid
using 'kvmctl' and use only Qemu to start/define a VM instance from a
is that correct ?
What link? what are flatfile keywords?
I have a truly marvellous patch that fixes the bug which this
signature is too narrow to contain.
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