Re: [PATCH] kvm/ia64: Ensure SIGINT delivered to main thread (vcpu 0).

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Zhang, Xiantao wrote:
Avi Kivity wrote:
Zhang, Xiantao wrote:
Before Aps going to block status, it should make sure SIGINT is
masked, otherwise, it may eat SIGINT from user killing the guest, and
results in Qemu hanging there, becasue main thread can't get it to
free guest's resource. vcpu_load(vcpu);
+	if (vcpu->sigset_active)
+		sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &vcpu->sigset, &sigsaved); +
 	if (unlikely(vcpu->arch.mp_state == KVM_MP_STATE_UNINITIALIZED))
 		clear_bit(KVM_REQ_UNHALT, &vcpu->requests);
@@ -680,9 +683,6 @@ int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_run(struct kvm_vcpu
 		*vcpu, struct kvm_run *kvm_run) return -EAGAIN;

The 'return' here means you are returning with the wrong signal mask.
Yes, but the signal is eaten by the thread, and can't be delivered to
main thread when returing to usespace. So in order to ensure the main
thread receive the signal SIGINT we should mask this signal on Aps going
into halt, and only main thread can receive such signals.
Then you should block SIGINT in the vcpu thread in userspace.

This patch is correct, except that it leaks the signal mask. You need to restore it when you return -EAGAIN.
I have a truly marvellous patch that fixes the bug which this
signature is too narrow to contain.

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