is there a possibility to separate out KVM and embed it into a new real time capable linux or is there a developed version like that?
You can always marry the preempt rt patch and kvm :). There have been multiple talks about this on previous kvm forums.
On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 9:20 PM, Alexander Graf <agraf@xxxxxxx> wrote:
On 08.10.2012, at 21:17, sanju james wrote:
I am master student in University of paderborn in Germany. I am planing to do a thesis ( 5 months) . I have installed the kvm-linux host and ran the guest os. I am now trying to change the linux host with a real time os
developed in our university. I would like know what kind of dependency are there between linux kernel and kvm .
To port it into a new real time os , how much effort we need for it since my thesis period is 5 months would it be practical to do such a task.
The whole point of KVM is that it's integrated into Linux :). If you don't need/want that integration, a different style hypervisor might be your better choice.
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