On 16 May 2012 09:23, Anup Patel <anup at brainfault.org> wrote: > I really thought if something is HOST ISA compatible then it should be > runnable on KVM. On similar lines it should be possible to run > Realview-PB-A8 (ARMv7a ISA) guest on VExpress-A9 (ARMv7a ISA) host. There are a lot of CPU-specific details, most of which appear in the cp15 interface. I'm not saying that you could not at some point add A8 or A9 guest support to QEMU. I just think we need to do it by actually looking at the specifications and what would need to be implemented (ie what do we need to trap to hyp mode), implementing those areas and then enabling it. At the moment even if you ask for "-cpu cortex-a8" what you're actually getting is an A15 still, and that's bogus. -- PMM