2012/5/5 Anup Patel <anup at brainfault.org>: > This announcement is to show an apple to apple performance comparison > between Xvisor ARM and KVM ARM running on VExpress-A15 Fast Model. I would strongly caution against trying to do any performance/timing type tests if you're still running on the ARM Fast Model -- they are not representative of performance characteristics on hardware and you really can't draw any conclusions about real world performance by timing things on a model. It's quite easy to get into a situation where all you're measuring is "does my code happen to do a lot of some perfectly reasonable operation which happens to be hard and slow to implement for the model?". (Also, KVM for ARM is still under development and we haven't yet made several of the obvious performance improvements like in-kernel irqchip and timer support, so it's not really a very useful thing to compare against yet.) -- PMM