On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson at eu.citrix.com> wrote: > We're looking into porting Xen to the ARM A15 architecture. ?In this > context, it's necessary to arrange for the Xen hypervisor to be > entered from the boot loader in an appropriate processor mode. > > KVM needs to deal with the same problem, of course. ?And any future > Linux kernel feature which uses the Secure State does too. > > We are currently working with ARM's "Fast Model" of the Cortex A15, a > software emulator. ?We're using it in the mode where you feed it an > ELF and it loads it into simulated RAM and starts executing at the > ELF entrypoint. ?It does this in the CPU's defined startup mode, which > is Kernel mode in the Secure state. > > It seems that this environment is what the nascent KVM-on-A15 > developers [1] are using too. ?There is modified version of the tiny > boot wrapper (the normal version of which just emulates the proper > calling API for the kernel); it sets up a trampoline security monitor. > > We need to define a correct calling convention for the kernel which is > compatible with old systems, but which also allows the booted kernel > (Linux, perhaps KVM-enabled, or indeed a hypervisor like Xen) use of > all the available facilities. ?The correct approach does seem to be to > have Linux set itself up a trivial trampoline which allows the kernel > to later regain the elevated privilege. > > There are a couple of things with the existing KVM ARM approach with > the trivial boot wrapper which need to be fixed, though: firstly, > there should be separate trampolines for hypervisor mode and for > secure state. ?That allows the two features to be used independently. > Secondly, the trivial trampolines should be part of the kernel proper > and their lifetime should not extend across the bootloader interface. > > At first I thought that the best thing to do would be to boot the > kernel in any suitable mode, and have the kernel automatically detect > the starting mode. ?I started writing code in linux's head.S to do > this. ?However, detecting whether we are in secure state is very > difficult: it involves deliberately risking an undefined instruction > trap. ?The code for this was getting rather long and involved. There may be a safe way to do this check -- for example, on ARM1176 and Cortex-A8 there is a CP14 debug status/control register that you can read which includes a flag indicating which world you're in. This isn't part of the architecture though and may be different/not possible on some CPUs. All in all, it's better to engineer things so that the check doesn't need to be done at all. > Also, unconditionally starting a kernel in hypervisor mode seems > rather unfriendly. ?At the moment we unconditionally start it in the > secure state and indeed in the current setup it seems to run entirely > in secure state. ?It seems to me that the kernel should mostly run in > non-secure state. > > So I propose the following approach: > > ?1. The kernel will advertise via ELF notes what modes it may be > ? ?started in. ?The possible modes will be: > ? ? ? (i) ? secure monitor mode > ? ? ? (ii) ?non-secure hypervisor mode > ? ? ? (iii) non-secure kernel mode Note that in real deployments, the kernel is not an ELF image and therefore cannot have notes. Currently, I think the kernel doesn't really have any metadata readable by the bootloader at all. I think the Secure World / Normal World distinction may be a red herring. The kernel currently just stays in whatever world it was started in, and doesn't have support for being the bridge between worlds. If the kernel is started in the Normal World, this will be because something else occupies the Secure World, and so Linux won't have direct access to that anyway. Conversely, if Linux is started in the Secure World, it can always access the monitor state if this is really desired -- the monitor is at the same level of privilege as the other Secure World privileged modes. I haven't seen a compelling reason why this would need to change; do you have a particular scenario in mind? > ?2. The bootloader will select the first mode from the three listed > ? ?above which is supported by both the processor and the kernel to > ? ?be loaded, and transition the processor to that mode. ?If this > ? ?involves dropping out of secure or hypervisor mode, it will put > ? ?those modes permanently beyond use. > > ?3. The kernel will examine CPSR to determine which of the three > ? ?possibilities above has happened, and: > ? (a) If started in monitor mode: > ? ? ? * Grant access to everything to non-secure state > ? ? ? * Set the non-secure copies of the various CP15 registers > ? ? ? ? which don't have a sane value on cpu reset > ? ? ? * Install a trivial monitor vector which unconditionally > ? ? ? ? copies r0 to MVBAR and returns > ? ? ? * Switch to non-secure Hyp mode (if available) and do (b), > ? ? ? ? or non-secure Kernel mode (if Hyp mode not supported). > ? (b) If started in Hyp mode: > ? ? ? * Install a trivial hypervisor vector which unconditionally > ? ? ? ? copies r0 to HVBAR and returns Starting the kernel in Hyp mode may be reasonable in this scenario. I think this is actually backwards-compatible, because in both an uncompressed kernel and a zImage, pretty much the first thing that happens is a switch to SVC mode at present. So an older kernel will just transparently end up in SVC mode as if nothing unusual had happened. The boot procotol would need to define the initial hypervisor state: basically, a dormant identity configuration with all traps and fancy features turned off. With only minor changes, I think a kernel supporting this boot protocol could run the zImage decompressor in Hyp mode, and then set up a stub HVC handler when reaching the main kernel entry point. It's certainly worth investigating. There may be architectural reasons why you can't run the decompressor in Hyp mode, but I'm not aware of any off the top of my head. > ? (c) Rest of startup. > > Questions: > > ?1. What do people think ? ?If this seems plausible I will prepare > ? ?an RFC patch for Linux and the boot-wrapper.git. > > ?2. This cpu startup process must happen very early - before paging > ? ?is enabled, in any case, so before RAM is really available. > ? ?However, it produces two bits of information: 1. does the > ? ?kernel own secure state; 2. does the kernel own hyp mode. > ? ?Where should this information be stored ? > > ?3. Is Linux allowed to assume that the secondary CPUs have the > ? ?same properties as the boot CPU ? ?If not, where do I store the > ? ?availability of the secure/hyp modes for the secondary cpus ? > ? ?Perhaps that ought to be in the device tree. I think yes, for now. Having a different level of access on different CPUs is either an unnecessary hindrance or a security hole (depending on your point of view), and such a system would not be SMP. Whether Linux makes use of those facilities on all CPUs is up to Linux though. It's up to the Secure firmware (if any) and the bootloader to get the secondary CPUs into the appropriate state. > ?4. I'm not very familiar with the KVM on ARM code. ?How much would > ? ?have to be changed to existing KVM on ARM to make it conform to > ? ?the above scheme ? ?In particular it would have to not use SMC to > ? ?adjust the HVBAR; instead, it would have to take control of HVBAR > ? ?once per CPU. > > Opinions welcome. > > Thanks, > Ian. > > [1] http://wiki.ncl.cs.columbia.edu/wiki/KVMARM:Guides:Development_Environment > > _______________________________________________ > boot-architecture mailing list > boot-architecture at lists.linaro.org > http://lists.linaro.org/mailman/listinfo/boot-architecture > -- Dave Martin <dave.martin at linaro.org> Linaro Kernel Working Group -- http://www.linaro.org/ -- Open source software for ARM SoCs http://www.facebook.com/pages/Linaro http://twitter.com/#!/linaroorg http://www.linaro.org/linaro-blog/