Gregory B. Harland
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
NASA has awarded a task order to Sauer Inc. of Jacksonville, Fla., to provide construction services for a new computer data center building at Kennedy Space Center.
The firm-fixed price task order was awarded against the General Construction indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract Sept. 19. It has a maximum value of $11.1 million with a performance period of one year.
Sauer Inc. will build the Kennedy Data Center (KDC) computer data center building. The KDC will facilitate the closure of five existing inefficient data centers (totaling 25,000 square feet of compute space), in exchange for one state-of-the-art, Tier 2 power-efficient facility (with 5,300 square feet of compute space). The new facility will allow Kennedy to effectively meet the objectives of OMB’s Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative, which targets reductions to the number of data centers and associated information technology systems at federal installations, which will result in significant reductions to the center’s electrical power and cooling costs. The facility will pay for itself out of energy and operations savings in approximately eight years.
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