June 20, 2008 Amber Philman Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 321-867-2468 amber.n.philman@nasa.gov RELEASE: 11-08 NASA ENCOURAGES EDUCATION IN CELEBRATION OF THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - NASA celebrates this year's 50th anniversary with the creation of an educational card game, "You've Been Sentenced! - NASA 50th Anniversary Special Edition." NASA and McNeill Designs for Brighter Minds formed a partnership in April of 2008 to create the game, which bears a few similarities to Scrabble. NASA and McNeill Designs collaborated to create the Add-on Deck which will present NASA terminology while promoting greater interest and understanding of NASA's history and future. The 50th Anniversary Special Edition Add-on Deck will contain words not only used in space exploration, but also terminology from the past, current and future explorers, missions, and programs. "You've Been Sentenced!" delivers a unique way to understand these terms that is both fun and memorable for students. "As part of our 50th anniversary celebration, this is an informal and fun venue to educate folks on American's space program, past and present," said Gregg Buckingham, chief, Education Programs and University Research Division at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. "We will also learn more about the effectiveness of this kind of education tool from McNeill." The purpose of this project is to build a strategic partnership among informal education providers, community groups, formal educators and families to promote literacy, particularly focusing in the areas of space, science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The game "You've Been Sentenced!" can be used in classrooms to aid educators in teaching curriculum based upon space and space exploration at NASA. For additional information about "You've Been Sentenced! - NASA 50th Anniversary Special Edition" and McNeill Designs for Brighter Minds, visit: http://www.mcneilbrighterminds.com For more information about NASA missions and projects, visit: http://www.nasa.gov -end- To subscribe to the list, send a message to: ksc-subscribe@newsletters.nasa.gov To remove your address from the list, send a message to: ksc-unsubscribe@newsletters.nasa.gov