04.15.05 Allard Beutel Headquarters, Washington (Phone: 202/358-4769) Jessica Rye Kennedy Space Center, Fla. (321) 867-6185 STATUS REPORT: S2-14 SPACE SHUTTLE PROCESSING STATUS REPORT Note: NASA's Kennedy Space Center issues Space Shuttle Processing Status Reports each week, and is the source for information regarding processing activities associated with the vehicles and payloads. This report does not necessarily reflect the chronological order of future Space Shuttle missions. If you are a member of the media and would like further information, visit http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/news/index.html. Discovery (OV-103) Mission: STS-114 - 17th ISS Flight (LF1) - Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Vehicle: Discovery (OV-103) Location: Launch Pad 39B Launch Date: Launch Planning Window: May 15 - June 3, 2005 Launch Pad: 39B Crew: Collins, Kelly, Noguchi, Robinson, Thomas, Lawrence and Camarda Inclination/Orbit Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles Space Shuttle Discovery rolled out to Launch Pad 39B atop a Crawler Transporter on April 7. The vehicle will undergo final connections for launch, and the payload will be installed. On Thursday, the launch team successfully performed an 11-hour External Tank integrated tanking test. The test also readied Discovery's main propulsion system, allowed technicians operating the hardware to gain first-hand experience on the redesigned tank, and allowed crews to evaluate the overall operation of ground systems in preparation for launch of Discovery's Return to Flight mission (STS-114) planned for next month. In the Space Station Processing Facility, the hatch of Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Raffaello was closed and sealed for flight on Thursday. The module will carry 12 racks filled with food, clothing, spare parts and research equipment to the International Space Station. Raffaello, along with the External Stowage Platform-2 and the Lightweight Multi-Purpose Experiment Support Structure, is scheduled to be installed into its payload canister by the end of the month in preparation for transfer to the launch pad. Mission: STS-121 - 18th ISS Flight (ULF1) - Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Vehicle: Atlantis (OV-104) Location: Orbiter Processing Facility Bay 1 Launch Date: Launch Planning Window: July 12 - July 31, 2005 Launch Pad: 39B Crew: Lindsey, Kelly, Sellers, Fossum, Nowak and Wilson Inclination/Orbit Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles Processing continues on Atlantis in Orbiter Processing Facility bay 1 for its mission (STS-121) to the Space Station. After installation of the Space Shuttle Main Engines, technicians began installing the engines' dome-mounted heat shields. The heat shields are two semi-circled-shaped sections of Thermal Protection System tile that fit around the engine interfaces. The right-hand Orbiter Maneuvering System was installed Thursday. Atlantis' new Orbiter Boom Sensor System (OBSS) underwent final checkout and testing in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) and was installed last week. The 50-foot-long OBSS will attach to the Remote Manipulator System, or Shuttle robotic arm. It is one of the new safety measures for Return to Flight, equipping the orbiter with cameras and laser systems to inspect the Shuttle's Thermal Protection System while in space. Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) stacking for Atlantis' launch continues in the VAB high bay 3. The External Tank remains in the checkout cell for final testing. Following the completion of SRB stacking, the tank will be moved and attached to the SRBs in late April. Endeavour (OV-105) Endeavour is in its Orbiter Major Modification period, which began in December 2003. Previous Space Shuttle processing status reports are available on the Internet at: http://www.nasa.gov/returntoflight -end- To subscribe to the list, send a message to: ksc-subscribe@newsletters.nasa.gov To remove your address from the list, send a message to: ksc-unsubscribe@newsletters.nasa.gov