12.03.04 Jessica Rye Kennedy Space Center, Fla. (321) 867-6185 STATUS REPORT: S-136 SPACE SHUTTLE PROCESSING STATUS REPORT Note: NASA?s Kennedy Space Center issues Space Shuttle Processing Status Reports each week, and is the source for information regarding processing activities associated with the vehicles and payloads. This report does not necessarily reflect the chronological order of future Space Shuttle missions. If you are a member of the media and would like further information, visit http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/news/index.html Discovery (OV-103) Critical path work continues to progress well in the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) for Discovery?s Return to Flight mission, designated STS-114, to the International Space Station. The three Space Shuttle Main Engines will be moved from the Main Engine Shop into the OPF for installation on Discovery early next week. Installation of the new wing leading edge sensors and cable continues on both the right and left wings. The sensors and relay boxes are being added for Return to Flight on the backside of the Reinforced Carbon-Carbon panels, and should detect any temperature increase or impact data during the launch. Atlantis (OV-104) Final power-down work on the wiring for the Return to Flight modifications is almost complete in the Orbiter Processing Facility in preparation for the scheduled power up of Atlantis early next week. The payload bay doors of Atlantis were closed last week in support of scheduled maintenance work to be performed in the bay. Following the successful completion of the maintenance, the doors were reopened and processing work began. Fuel cells No. 1 and 3 were installed for flight, with No. 2 scheduled to be installed today. Fuel cells use oxygen and hydrogen to provide electrical power during a mission. All four Rudder Speed Brake (RSB) actuators were inspected and installed on Atlantis. Technicians are currently beginning to install the RSB panels and seals. Endeavour (OV-105) Space Shuttle Endeavour is in its Orbiter Major Modification period, which began in December 2003. Electrical modifications continue in the crew module. Three-String Global Positioning System wire routing in the avionics bay and flight deck continues. While the Reinforced Carbon-Carbon panels are removed from the vehicle for inspections, technicians are preparing the wing leading edge for their reinstallation. Following the removal of miniscule corrosion, the right-hand wing leading edge is being prepared for painting. The External Tank doors are being installed in preparation for Endeavour?s roll-over for a temporary stay in the Vehicle Assembly Building. Endeavour will be moved so that maintenance can be performed in the bay. -end- To subscribe to the list, send a message to: ksc-subscribe@newsletters.nasa.gov To remove your address from the list, send a message to: ksc-unsubscribe@newsletters.nasa.gov