STS-107 MCC Status Report #20

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Report #20 
Sunday, February 2, 2003 - 8:30 p.m. CST 
Mission Control Center, Houston, Texas 
Aided by federal and local agencies, NASA stepped up its inquiry into the
loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia and its seven astronauts. Multiple
investigative teams continue to pore over engineering data in an effort to
uncover the cause of the breakup of the orbiter over Texas on Saturday 16
minutes from landing.

Space Shuttle Program Manager Ron Dittemore told an afternoon briefing that
a Mishap Response Team is gathering data from numerous engineering teams in
the early stages of the investigation and is receiving assistance from the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Transportation Safety
Board, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement
agencies, among others.

Dittemore said that as Commander Rick Husband, Pilot William McCool, Mission
Specialists Dave Brown, Kalpana Chawla, Mike Anderson, Laurel Clark and
Israeli Payload Specialist Ilan Ramon are mourned, the recovery of debris
from Columbia and human remains is being coordinated at Barksdale Air Force
Base, La. 

Dittemore thanked residents in the areas where debris fell after Columbia's
breakup for cooperating in the recovery effort but cautioned them not to
handle debris that could contain toxic substances.

Dittemore reconstructed the final minutes of Columbia's flight before
communications was lost. He reiterated the failure of four temperature
sensors associated with the shuttle's left hand elevons at 7:53 a.m. CST
Saturday amidst a 20-30 degree rise in left hand bondline and strut
temperatures over a five-minute period near the left wheel well of the
orbiter. Columbia was flying over California at the time at an altitude of
about 220,000 feet traveling 21 times the speed of sound.

One minute later, over the region of eastern California and western Nevada,
Columbia's mid-fuselage bondline temperatures above the left wing
experienced an unusual temperature increase. It rose 60 degrees over a
five-minute period. No such temperature increase was noted on the right side
of Columbia or in the Shuttle's cargo bay. Columbia was about 212,000 feet
above the Earth, flying at Mach 20.

At 7:58 a.m. over New Mexico, telemetry showed a larger than normal drag on
the left side of the shuttle, and an indication of an increase in pressure
in the left main landing gear tires. Dittemore said the data suggests the
tires remained intact. Columbia's altitude was 209,000 feet.

At 7:59 a.m. over west Texas, the data showed Columbia continuing to react
to an increased drag on its left side, trying to correct the movement by
rolling back to the right. Dittemore said the response of the orbiter was
well within its capability to handle such maneuvers.

At that time, seconds before 8 a.m. CST, all communications was lost with
Columbia as it flew at an altitude of 207,000 feet, 18 times the speed of

Dittemore indicated that ground computers may contain an additional 32
seconds of data which could provide additional information in the analysis
of Columbia's breakup.

He added that the loss of some foam insulation from Columbia's external fuel
tank, which struck the shuttle's left wing about 80 seconds after launch was
"inconsequential" based on video imagery review conducted by engineering
specialists. However, he said nothing has been ruled out as a possible cause
for the accident. 

Robert Cabana, the Director of Flight Crew Operations at the Johnson Space
Center, relayed thanks from the families of the astronauts for the
outpouring of support received from around the nation and the world. 

Cabana said that the Expedition 6 crewmembers aboard the International Space
Station are "grieving" for the loss of Columbia's crew, but are in good
spirits as they continue human spaceflight and scientific research aboard
the orbital outpost. Cabana said Commander Ken Bowersox, Flight Engineer
Nikolai Budarin and NASA ISS Science Officer Don Pettit are preparing for
Tuesday's arrival of a Russian Progress cargo ship. Progress 10 was launched
this morning from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. 

 On Tuesday, Feb. 4, President and Mrs. Bush will join NASA Administrator
Sean O'Keefe at the Johnson Space Center to pay tribute to Columbia's
astronauts during a special memorial service. The ceremony to honor
Columbia's seven crewmembers is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. EST and will be
broadcast on NASA Television. The service is not open to the public.

The next STS-107 Accident Response briefings are on Monday, Feb. 3 at NASA
Headquarters in Washington at 11:30 a.m. EST and at the Johnson Space Center
at 4:30 p.m. EST. Status reports will be issued as developments warrant.

NASA TV can be found on AMC-2, Transponder 9C, vertical polarization at 85
degrees West longitude, 3880 MHz, with audio at 6.8 MHz.


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