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NASA News 
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

John F. Kennedy Space Center
Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899
AC 321-867-2468
For Release: Dec. 20, 2002		

Bruce Buckingham
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
(321) 867-2468						

KSC Release No. 131 - 02


	As 2002 draws to a close, NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is in an
ongoing celebration of its 40th year as America's premier gateway to the
stars. Designated the Launch Operations Center on July 1, 1962, the year saw
the accomplishment of ten successful launches in addition to the unveiling
of a new Master Plan for the Cape Canaveral Spaceport and displaying
leadership in the areas of environmental stewardship, research and
technology project development, educational initiatives, and safety and
health performance.


Between March and November 2002, KSC launched five Space Shuttle missions:
the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission and four assembly flights to
the International Space Station (ISS). During the past 12 months, more than
56,000 pounds in components have been added to the Space Station, including
the S0, S1 and P1 trusses.  

The Station's backbone of trusses, launched from KSC, now stretches almost
133 feet. As a result, the previous internal volume, compared to an
efficiency apartment, has increased to that of a three-bedroom house. The
year also included launch and assembly of the Mobile Transporter, the first
"space railroad, " and two Crew and Equipment Translation Aid (CETA) carts.

	     The physical growth of the Station has brought its purpose of
scientific research and experiment to the forefront.  Experiments on the
Station attained more than 90,000 hours of operating time.  Of these, 65
U.S. investigations were conducted, as well as many international studies.

	The KSC team also managed five successful Expendable Launch Vehicle
(ELV) launches in 2002: the High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (HESSI),
Feb. 5; Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-I (TDRS-I), March 8, and Tracking
and Data Relay Satellite-J (TDRS-J),, Dec. 4; Aqua EOS (Earth Observing
System), May 4; and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-M
(NOAA-M) satellite, June 24.  Two of these launches were from pads at
Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., and three from Cape Canaveral Air Force
Station (CCAFS), adjacent to KSC in Florida. 

 KSC Master Plan

	The continuing growth of KSC toward becoming a technology-based
Center brought about a collaborative effort among NASA, the Air Force, and
the state of Florida in developing a comprehensive Master Plan for the Cape
Canaveral Spaceport. The 50-year vision of the Spaceport's future was
unveiled Aug. 28.  

	Plan partners are the Florida Space Authority, the 45th Space Wing
Command, the Naval Ordnance Test Unit, the Merritt Island Fish and Wildlife
Refuge, and the Canaveral National Seashore.  

	The plan outlined three planning horizons -- 25 years, second
generation technology, and third generation technology -- and illustrates
sub-area planning for the KSC Visitor Complex/Industrial area, the CCAFS
Industrial area, and the Port property. A Launch Activity Prediction Model
outlines market demand-based launches through third generation technology
(approximately 250 land-based launches). It outlines two new horizontal
launch facilities through the first two planning horizons, and a total of
six new vertical launch complexes through the three planning horizons.


	By forming business relationships with other innovative
organizations, KSC was able to develop new assets for the Cape Canaveral
Spaceport and better serve its customers while expanding the Center's
research and technology development capabilities.

	Space Experiment Research and Processing Laboratory (SERPL):
Construction began in 2002 on a world-class facility to support both ISS
life sciences experiment processing and fundamental biological research.
KSC's SERPL partner is the state of Florida, including the Florida Space
Authority and the Florida Space Research Institute. The new
100,000-square-foot laboratory is scheduled for completion in late 2003. 

Space Agricultural Biology Research and Education (SABRE) Institute: SABRE
will support scientific research with a focus on discovery and development
of technology aspects of advanced life support strategies.  The University
of Florida's Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences is KSC's partner.

Interdisciplinary biotechnology programs will emphasize the fundamental
biology of organisms used in space flight applications, including those
involved in advanced life support. The program focus parallels Earth-based
applications for solving problems in agricultural and environmental
sciences, and thus presents key elements of future agricultural and
ecological systems.  

The photo above was taken at the opening ceremony for SABRE at which Center
Director Roy Bridges addressed officials from both the University of Florida
and NASA.
	International Space Research Park (ISRP): The ISRP evolved from
SERPL and will attract and foster research and technology development at KSC
to support the use and commercialization of the Station, KSC's growth as a
Spaceport Technology Center, and the exploration and development of space by
Cape Canaveral Spaceport customers. 

	KSC partnered with the state of Florida to support ISRP. The
year-long concept development effort was completed in May and forecasts show
an additional two million square feet of facilities, employing about 8,000
ISRP employees by 2023. The first construction phase was completed on Space
Commerce Way, a new highway leading to the ISRP tract.  Delaware North Park
Services initiated construction of the second phase that will wind around
the back of the Visitor Complex and extend on to NASA Causeway. When
completed next year, the new Space Commerce Way will enable 24-hour access
to both the park and the Visitor Complex.

The Link Project is a collaboration between KSC and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  The project utilizes the Solid Rocket
Booster recovery vessel, Liberty Star, for mapping the Oculina Bank off Cape
Canaveral's coast. The first of two expeditions was completed in October to
survey the coral reef using multi-beam sonar to provide detailed habitat
mapping and characterization. Survey results will be used to guide the
second expedition in spring 2003, when the reef fish spawn, again using
NASA's ship, plus their underwater robot and an acoustic hydrophone system
for listening to fish and vessel noise.

	Other pursuits are advanced power supply development,
state-of-the-art sensor and monitoring technology, and energy management.

Environmental Stewardship

	KSC continued its efforts to preserve and enhance a wildlife
sanctuary intertwined with the ever-growing spaceport. As part of the
Center's pollution prevention program, more than 800 tons of steel and 300
tons of paper and cardboard were recycled, and a new recycling contract was
awarded to enhance the program's return. In an effort to restore Center
environmental quality, more than 11,000 tons of contaminated soil from three
KSC sites was disposed of properly.  In addition, KSC closed 10 locations
after investigations found environmental pollution, and then took
appropriate steps to remedy the contamination discovered.

	NASA, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Cape
Canaveral Air Force Station continued a long-term Permitting and Compliance
partnering effort. Air Resources Management, Water Resources Management,
Hazardous/Solid Waste Management and Environmental Awareness and Integration
determined best management practices and how to streamline activities, along
with other process improvements. Two results were recycling initiatives and
combined training efforts.

	KSC's Ecological Program members worked closely with the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Office for the continued survival of
the federally protected Florida scrub jay in east central Florida.  Members
are developing complex population viability models, including relationships
between habitat quality and habitat management approaches and influences of
wildfires, land development and landscape fragmentation on the reproductive
success and survival of individual scrub jays. This data can be used to
assess the risk of extinction for isolated populations of the unique birds.
Results of these studies, which have been published in peer-reviewed
scientific journals, are used by Florida's land management agencies and the
Endangered Species Office to develop the Species Recovery Plan required by
the Endangered Species Act.

	As a result of KSC's environmental efforts, the Center received
several awards.  The Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy
Management was presented by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney to NASA's energy
team. KSC's energy program achievements contributed to earning this award. 

	The Department of Energy recognized energy saving efforts at KSC
with two awards:  
*	KSC-Boeing employee Doug Thom was named NASA's Energy Champion for
reducing energy consumption and costs by aggressively improving operations
and maintenance practices in Payload/Station processing facilities;
*	KSC received the Federal Energy and Water Management Award for
results of long-term efforts to improve energy efficiency at the tracking
and data relay station. 


	For the third consecutive year, KSC innovators earned more Space Act
Award dollars than any other NASA center.  The fiscal year 2002 award amount
of $190,850 was divided among four areas: software release, $51,600; patent
applications, $23,000; TechBriefs, $47,600; and board action, $68,650.  This
year's award dollars showed a significant increase from the total amount of
$12,000 awarded just 10 years ago.

	KSC developed new technologies that will impact future spaceports
and communities.  Listed below are a few of the technology spinoffs,
originally designed for the space program, that are being mainstreamed into
the civilian world to better the lives of thousands or even millions of

1)	Remote Monitoring and Alarm System (RMAS):  This electronic central
monitoring system checks the health of remotely located equipment modules of
transmitting and receiving equipment in KSC's fiber optic communication
2)	Improving Effectiveness of a Permeable Treatment Wall with
Ultrasound:  The method encompasses the introduction of an ultrasonic
radiation-generating transducer in or near a permeable treatment wall. KSC's
ultrasonic enhancement process allows the wall's effectiveness to be
maintained and enhanced without requiring the use of chemicals or generating
any undesirable by-products. The technology was patented and licensed for
3)	In-Situ Reductive Dehalogenation of DNAPLs Through the Use of
Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron Particles:  Similar to the previous technology,
this process employs the use of zero-valent iron in an emulsion formula to
reductively dechlorinate dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) sources in
polluted water. This technique replaces the pump and treats technologies due
to their slow dissolution of the solvents. A patent was filed and is
currently pending; the technology is available for commercialization.
4)	Personal Cabin Pressure Monitor and Altitude Warning System:  This
new device may prevent aircraft accidents by warning the crew of potentially
dangerous or deteriorating cabin pressure conditions and reminding them of
the need for supplemental oxygen. This personal, portable device can be used
in a variety of aviation, aerospace and non-aerospace applications where
warning of one's exposure to high-pressure altitude is important. A patent
was filed and issued and the technology was licensed for commercialization.
5)	Liquid Applied Galvanic Coatings for Protection of Steel in
Concrete: This innovation involves a liquid coating applied to the outer
surface of reinforced concrete to protect the embedded rebar from corrosion.
This technology is innovative because it can be applied (1) to the outside
surface of reinforced concrete and (2) with a conventional brush or sprayer.
A patent was filed and the technology is available for licensing.

Advanced Technology Development 

	An Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) is currently under
construction at Launch Complex 20 (LC-20) on Cape Canaveral Air Force
Station. The ATDC, which will be developed in phases, will allow for
full-scale demonstration, testing and qualification of new Spaceport
Technologies in an environment closely approximating an actual launch
facility.  KSC partners with the 45th Space Wing and Florida Air National
Guard to support the ATDC, which is NASA-led.

	Spaceport Technology projects that show promise in a laboratory
environment can be deployed and qualified at the ATDC under "real world"
conditions, including high-volume, low-pressure cryogenic flow testing.  It
is currently supporting two major programs: qualification of liquid oxygen
(LOX) transfer pumps for the Space Shuttle program, and testing of densified
hydrogen and oxygen production units for the Space Launch Initiative (SLI).
LOX pump testing is currently scheduled for mid-2003, with densified
propellant testing following in mid-2004.


	Kennedy Space Center's Education Programs and University Research
Division provided meaningful educational and professional development
experiences for nearly 150,000 participants.  The Division created new
programs, partnerships, and products and assisted in KSC's evolution to a
Spaceport Technology Center. They also integrated programs and strengthened
relationships across KSC to pipeline qualified participants into
educational, research and career opportunities in the space industry.  Among
its accomplishments:

*	Three new student program grants were awarded to universities to
provide motivation to undergraduate students in engineering, mathematics and
*	The Space Research Lecture Series was created to increase
working-level interaction between NASA-sponsored scientists and
Florida-based researchers. KSC partnered with the Florida Space Research
Institute, the Space Business Round Table, Delaware North Park Services and
the Florida Space Grant Consortium to create the program. The events are
held quarterly and feature world-class scientists whose experiments launch
from the Spaceport, and whose space research and technology advancements are
of interest to NASA and the Spaceport.

	One of the new programs developed, with sponsorship from the State
Department of Education, was the SEE NASA (Student Educational Experience)
to use the unique resources and missions of the KSC Spaceport to motivate
students from schools selected by the State of Florida to study math and

	KSC also hosted the Minority University Presidents Conference, which
provided an opportunity for more than 100 university presidents to hear
about NASA research and educational opportunities. This activity has led to
new partnerships within the NASA family with some of these minority

	Through strategic planning, innovative staffing and extensive
internal and external partnerships, KSC's R&D area created new programs and
issued competitive grants to strengthen relationships with academia R&D
communities in Florida and also nationally. These partnerships have
increased the amount of financial and intellectual resources available to
solve the Spaceport's technology challenges.

Safety and Health

	Superior safety and health performance is one of Kennedy Space
Center's top priorities. Several innovative programs were accomplished in

*	OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program (VPP):  Started in December
2000,VPP is the benchmark for improvements to KSC's safety and health
programs.  In preparation for the program, 240 safety program improvements
were identified and developed.  More than 170 KSC employees belong to teams
striving for STAR Certification, the highest VPP certification level. Two of
KSC's largest contractors, United Space Alliance and Space Gateway Support,
achieved STAR status. 

*	Safety Resources Web Site: This new Web site presents one-stop
shopping for Center safety information on VPP, safety and health guidelines
and contacts, and links to KSC safety and mission assurance organizations 

*	Automated Heat Stress Monitoring:  This innovative notification
system for heat illness prevention uses continuous monitoring of ambient Wet
Bulb Globe Temperatures (WBGT) for shade and direct sunlight.  It sends real
time WBGT measurements to desktop computers and provides current WBGT and
informational material on a Heat Stress Web site. The system also sends
e-mail and pager notification of heat stress conditions which can be
tailored to personalized operational requirements of KSC subscribers. The
messages include appropriate set-point WBGT for particular work and describe
prevention measures.  

*	Employee Health:  Informational programs on improving employee
health along with nutrition and fitness programs were offered to the
workforce. Free screenings for such concerns as cardiovascular disease
indicators and breast cancer were also available. Information sharing on
topics such as skin cancer prevention and hearing conservation was provided
to all employees.

	The new year looks bright for KSC.  In 2003, six Space Shuttle
launches are planned, beginning with Columbia in January on mission STS-107,
a microgravity research mission.  The remaining five are Space Station
assembly flights, which will add two more trusses and solar arrays to the

	Eight ELV launches from CCAFS are planned for 2003: Solar Radiation
and Climate Experiment (SORCE), Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX),
Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System (ProSEDS), Space Infrared
Telescope Facility (SIRTF), Mars Explorer Rover A and Rover B, Geostationary
Operational Environmental Satellite-N (GOES-N) and Swift.  Three are planned
from Vandenberg: Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)/Cosmic
Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPSat), SCISAT-I and Gravity Probe

	Center Director Roy Bridges captured the prevailing spirit of KSC's
workforce when he said, "This year Kennedy Space Center marked 40 years of
pioneering the future.  We continue to look toward the future with renewed
enthusiasm and . . . we will share in the excitement and new discoveries
that will come as we commit our passion and excellence to advocating the
state of the art in space launch operations and spaceport and range
technologies to serve our customers well into the future." 

-- end --


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