11-08-02 status

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Friday, November 8, 2002 (5:00 p.m.)

For the latest Shuttle status on the web visit  http://www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/status/stsstat/current.htm <http://www pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/status/stsstat/current.htm>. 
For the latest launch weather forecast visit  <http://www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/status/weatstat/forecast.htm>.  
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	MISSION: STS-113 - 16th ISS Flight (11A) - P1 Truss Segment

TARGET LAUNCH DATE: Nov. 11, 2002 
TARGET LAUNCH TIME:  12:01 a.m. - 4: 00 a.m. 
TARGET LANDING DATE:  Nov. 21, 2002 
SHUTTLE CREW: Wetherbee, Lockhart, Lopez-Alegria, Herrington
ISS CREW UP: Bowersox, Budarin, Pettit
ISS CREW DOWN: Korzun, Whitson, Treschev 
ORBITAL ALTITUDE AND INCLINATION: 122 nautical miles/51.6 degrees

Shuttle Processing Note: The countdown for the launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour began early this morning on schedule at the T-43 hour mark. Activities at the pad today include preparations to begin filling the on-board Power Reactant and Storage Distribution tanks with the flight load of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen reactants necessary for the planned 11 days Endeavour will be in orbit. Other pad activities include final pyrotechnic tests and preparations for communication checks. 

The crew for STS-113 arrived at Kennedy Space Center last night and are today reviewing their flight plans, training in the Shuttle Training Aircraft and visiting with their families. 

The weather forecast calls for a ridge of high pressure to extend across south Florida early Monday morning with enough moisture to cause some concern for isolated showers in the Kennedy Space Center area during the launch window. The probability of KSC weather prohibiting launch is 20 percent.  Due to a cold front expected to pass through the area late Tuesday or early Wednesday, weather that could prohibit launch increases to 30 percent if a 24-hour turnaround is required and 60 percent for a 48-hour delay. 


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