Re: [PATCH] makedumpfile: when using refiltering, initialize bitmap1 from the kdump file's bitmap2

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On 08/03/2018 03:22 AM, Kazuhito Hagio wrote:
> On 8/2/2018 3:36 AM, piliu wrote:
>> On 08/02/2018 04:45 AM, Kazuhito Hagio wrote:
>>> Hi Pingfan,
>>> Thank you for the patch.
>>> On 7/31/2018 4:44 AM, Pingfan Liu wrote:
>>>> When refiltering on kdump format file, there is no info about pt_load[] for
>>>> exclude_nodata_pages(), and also we can not expect more data than the kdump
>>>> file can provide, hence this patch suggests to initialize the refiltered
>>>> bitmap1 from the kdump file's bitmap2.
>>> I understood the issue (I don't have any vmcore which can reproduce it,
>>> though), but since the bitmap1 is written to the refiltered dump file,
>>> I think that we should not change the meaning of bitmap1 if possible,
>>> which is "a page on memory hole".
>>> For instance, with the patch, crash using the bitmaps prints a different
>>> message for the same "excluded" paddr:
>>>   -read_diskdump: PAGE_EXCLUDED: paddr/pfn: 2613e130/2613e
>>>   +read_diskdump: SEEK_ERROR: paddr/pfn: 2613e130/2613e !page_is_ram
>>> and makedumpfile's -e option using the bitmap1 cannot be utilized when
>>> refiltering, these are not favorable.
>>> So how about initializing the refiltered *bitmap2* from the kdump file's
>>> bitmap2 ?  I'm checking if this works.
>> Yes, it sounds a good idea.
> OK, as far as I've looked into it, this way looks good.
> Can you modify the patch?

OK, will send out V2 soon

>> Thanks,
>> Pingfan
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kazu
>>>> Note about the bug reported by the following ops:
>>>>   makedumpfile -l --message-level 1 -d 31 /proc/vmcore /path/to/vmcore
>>>>   makedumpfile  --split  -d 31 ./vmcore dumpfile_{1,2,3} 2>&1
>>>> and hit the following error:
>>>>   Excluding unnecessary pages                       : [100.0 %] \
>>>>   readpage_kdump_compressed: pfn(9b) is excluded from
>> /var/crash/
>>>>   readmem: type_addr: 1, addr:9b000, size:4096
>>>>   read_pfn: Can't get the page data.
>>>>   writeout_multiple_dumpfiles: Child process(2277) finished incompletely.(256)
>>>>   Copying data                                      : [ 24.6 %] -           eta: 2s
>>>>   makedumpfile Failed.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Pingfan Liu <piliu@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> ---
>>>>  makedumpfile.c | 6 +++++-
>>>>  1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>> diff --git a/makedumpfile.c b/makedumpfile.c
>>>> index 101fa7c..af24359 100644
>>>> --- a/makedumpfile.c
>>>> +++ b/makedumpfile.c
>>>> @@ -5544,6 +5544,7 @@ copy_1st_bitmap_from_memory(void)
>>>>  	bitmap_offset = (DISKDUMP_HEADER_BLOCKS + dh->sub_hdr_size)
>>>>  			 * dh->block_size;
>>>> +	bitmap_offset += info->len_bitmap / 2;
>>>>  	if (lseek(info->fd_memory, bitmap_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
>>>>  		ERRMSG("Can't seek %s. %s\n",
>>>> @@ -5593,8 +5594,11 @@ create_1st_bitmap_file(void)
>>>>  	struct timespec ts_start;
>>>>  	off_t offset_page;
>>>> -	if (info->flag_refiltering)
>>>> +	if (info->flag_refiltering) {
>>>> +		/* no hole info in kdump file, set it as 0 for refiltering */
>>>> +		pfn_memhole = 0;
>>>>  		return copy_1st_bitmap_from_memory();
>>>> +	}
>>>>  	if (info->flag_sadump)
>>>>  		return sadump_copy_1st_bitmap_from_memory();
>>>> --
>>>> 2.7.4
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