[PATCH v4 08/10] Initial and free data used for parallel process

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Sorry for the late pointing out, but I found a bug in this patch:

>From: Qiao Nuohan <qiaonuohan at cn.fujitsu.com>
>This patch is used to initial/free data for parallel process and
>the memory limit is concerned in this function.
>Signed-off-by: Qiao Nuohan <qiaonuohan at cn.fujitsu.com>
>Signed-off-by: Zhou wenjian <zhouwj-fnst at cn.fujitsu.com>
> makedumpfile.c | 199 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> makedumpfile.h |   3 +-
> 2 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>diff --git a/makedumpfile.c b/makedumpfile.c
>index a1d1148..0fe9efd 100644
>--- a/makedumpfile.c
>+++ b/makedumpfile.c
>@@ -1432,6 +1432,23 @@ open_dump_bitmap(void)
> 		}
> 	}
>+	if (info->num_threads) {
>+		/*
>+		 * Reserve file descriptors of bitmap for creating dumpfiles
>+		 * parallelly, because a bitmap file will be unlinked just after
>+		 * this and it is not possible to open a bitmap file later.
>+		 */
>+		for (i = 0; i < info->num_threads; i++) {
>+			if ((fd = open(info->name_bitmap, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
>+				ERRMSG("Can't open the bitmap file(%s). %s\n",
>+				    info->name_bitmap, strerror(errno));
>+				return FALSE;
>+			}
>+			FD_BITMAP_PARALLEL(i) = fd;
>+		}
>+	}
> 	unlink(info->name_bitmap);
> 	return TRUE;
>@@ -3459,6 +3476,188 @@ calibrate_machdep_info(void)
> }
> int
>+	unsigned long len_buf_out;
>+	unsigned long page_data_buf_size;
>+	unsigned long limit_size;
>+	int page_data_num;
>+	int i;
>+	len_buf_out = calculate_len_buf_out(info->page_size);
>+	/*
>+	 * allocate memory for threads
>+	 */
>+	if ((info->threads = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t *) * info->num_threads))
>+	    == NULL) {
>+		MSG("Can't allocate memory for threads. %s\n",
>+				strerror(errno));
>+		return FALSE;
>+	}
>+	memset(info->threads, 0, sizeof(pthread_t *) * info->num_threads);
>+	if ((info->kdump_thread_args =
>+			malloc(sizeof(struct thread_args) * info->num_threads))
>+	    == NULL) {
>+		MSG("Can't allocate memory for arguments of threads. %s\n",
>+				strerror(errno));
>+		return FALSE;
>+	}
>+	memset(info->kdump_thread_args, 0, sizeof(struct thread_args) * info->num_threads);
>+	for (i = 0; i < info->num_threads; i++) {
>+		if ((info->threads[i] = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t))) == NULL) {
>+			MSG("Can't allocate memory for thread %d. %s",
>+					i, strerror(errno));
>+			return FALSE;
>+		}
>+		if ((BUF_PARALLEL(i) = malloc(info->page_size)) == NULL) {
>+			MSG("Can't allocate memory for the memory buffer. %s\n",
>+					strerror(errno));
>+			return FALSE;
>+		}
>+		if ((BUF_OUT_PARALLEL(i) = malloc(len_buf_out)) == NULL) {
>+			MSG("Can't allocate memory for the compression buffer. %s\n",
>+					strerror(errno));
>+			return FALSE;
>+		}
>+		if ((MMAP_CACHE_PARALLEL(i) = malloc(sizeof(struct mmap_cache))) == NULL) {
>+			MSG("Can't allocate memory for mmap_cache. %s\n",
>+					strerror(errno));
>+			return FALSE;
>+		}
>+		/*
>+		 * initial for mmap_cache
>+		 */
>+		MMAP_CACHE_PARALLEL(i)->mmap_start_offset = 0;
>+		MMAP_CACHE_PARALLEL(i)->mmap_end_offset = 0;
>+#ifdef USELZO
>+		if ((WRKMEM_PARALLEL(i) = malloc(LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS)) == NULL) {
>+			MSG("Can't allocate memory for the working memory. %s\n",
>+					strerror(errno));
>+			return FALSE;
>+		}
>+	}
>+	/*
>+	 * get a safe number of page_data
>+	 */
>+	page_data_buf_size = MAX(len_buf_out, info->page_size);
>+	limit_size = (get_free_memory_size()
>+		      - MAP_REGION * info->num_threads) * 0.6;
>+	page_data_num = limit_size / page_data_buf_size;
>+	info->num_buffers = MIN(NUM_BUFFERS, page_data_num);
>+	DEBUG_MSG("Number of struct page_data for produce/consume: %d\n",
>+			info->num_buffers);
>+	/*
>+	 * allocate memory for page_data
>+	 */
>+	if ((info->page_data_buf = malloc(sizeof(struct page_data) * info->num_buffers))
>+	    == NULL) {
>+		MSG("Can't allocate memory for page_data_buf. %s\n",
>+				strerror(errno));
>+		return FALSE;
>+	}
>+	memset(info->page_data_buf, 0, sizeof(struct page_data) * info->num_buffers);
>+	for (i = 0; i < info->num_buffers; i++) {
>+		if ((info->page_data_buf[i].buf = malloc(page_data_buf_size)) == NULL) {
>+			MSG("Can't allocate memory for buf of page_data_buf. %s\n",
>+					strerror(errno));
>+			return FALSE;
>+		}
>+	}
>+	/*
>+	 * initial fd_memory for threads
>+	 */
>+	for (i = 0; i < info->num_threads; i++) {
>+		if ((FD_MEMORY_PARALLEL(i) = open(info->name_memory, O_RDONLY))
>+									< 0) {
>+			ERRMSG("Can't open the dump memory(%s). %s\n",
>+					info->name_memory, strerror(errno));
>+			return FALSE;
>+		}
>+				open(info->name_memory, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
>+			ERRMSG("Can't open the dump memory(%s). %s\n",
>+					info->name_memory, strerror(errno));
>+			return FALSE;
>+		}
>+	}
>+	return TRUE;
>+	int i;
>+	if (info->threads != NULL) {
>+		for (i = 0; i < info->num_threads; i++) {
>+			if (info->threads[i] != NULL)
>+				free(info->threads[i]);
>+			if (BUF_PARALLEL(i) != NULL)
>+				free(BUF_PARALLEL(i));
>+			if (BUF_OUT_PARALLEL(i) != NULL)
>+				free(BUF_OUT_PARALLEL(i));
>+			if (MMAP_CACHE_PARALLEL(i) != NULL) {
>+				if (MMAP_CACHE_PARALLEL(i)->mmap_buf !=
>+								MAP_FAILED)
>+					munmap(MMAP_CACHE_PARALLEL(i)->mmap_buf,
>+					       MMAP_CACHE_PARALLEL(i)->mmap_end_offset
>+					       - MMAP_CACHE_PARALLEL(i)->mmap_start_offset);
>+				free(MMAP_CACHE_PARALLEL(i));
>+			}
>+#ifdef USELZO
>+			if (WRKMEM_PARALLEL(i) != NULL)
>+				free(WRKMEM_PARALLEL(i));
>+		}
>+		free(info->threads);
>+	}
>+	if (info->kdump_thread_args != NULL)
>+		free(info->kdump_thread_args);
>+	if (info->page_data_buf != NULL) {
>+		for (i = 0; i < info->num_buffers; i++) {
>+			if (info->page_data_buf[i].buf != NULL)
>+				free(info->page_data_buf[i].buf);
>+		}
>+		free(info->page_data_buf);
>+	}
>+	for (i = 0; i < info->num_threads; i++) {
>+		if (FD_MEMORY_PARALLEL(i) > 0)
>+			close(FD_MEMORY_PARALLEL(i));

If there is an invalid option, memory for FD_MEMORY_PARALLEL(=info->parallel_info)
will not be allocated even though --num-threads is specified (e.g. -E and
 --num-threads are specified at the same time), so this code can cause SIGSEGV.

Atsushi Kumagai

>+	}
> initial(void)
> {
> 	off_t offset;
>diff --git a/makedumpfile.h b/makedumpfile.h
>index 6f45bf2..1f5bd7f 100644
>--- a/makedumpfile.h
>+++ b/makedumpfile.h
>@@ -972,9 +972,10 @@ typedef unsigned long long int ulonglong;
>  * for parallel process
>  */
>+#define PAGE_DATA_NUM	(50)
> #define WAIT_TIME	(60 * 10)
> #define PTHREAD_FAIL	((void *)-2)
>-#define NUM_BUFFERS	50
>+#define NUM_BUFFERS	(50)
> struct mmap_cache {
> 	char	*mmap_buf;
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>kexec at lists.infradead.org

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