Neil Horman wrote: > On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 02:43:11AM +0200, Bernhard Walle wrote:> * Neil Horman [2008-08-14 08:18]:> > > > That being said, Bernhard, I suppose it would be worthwhile standardizing some> > configuration settings, seeing as despite our implementation differences, we> > seem to largely support the same feature set. Have you given any consideration> > to defining a standard kdump feature set and configuration syntax?> > I have nothing against consideration in that area.> > SUSE does configuration in /etc/sysconfig/kdump. I think sysconfig is> also on RedHat, so that is the same?> Its close, /etc/sysconfig/kdump is used to apply options to the kexec utility,while /etc/kdump.conf directs how the initrd should be constructed. I wouldlike to move to using a url style syntax for specifying dump targets like youhave, but there are series of other options that I need to take intoconsideration (see -1.102pre-15.fc10.src.rpm Hi Neil and Bernhard, Yes, please! Please at least agree between RedHat and SuSE how users can install (rpms that contains necessary bits, such as debuginfo data), create initrd, configure (kdump config files), and analyze (what to take to run crash) core files! That would be great!!! If you can put vmcore at the same location... Ahh, asking too much? ;) Cheers, - jay > >>>> [1] mkdumprd on SUSE is only a script that calls mkinitrd with right> > > parameters while the mkdumprd on RedHat builds a initramfs for> > > kdump itself with busybox> > I was looking at this, I assume that your initramfs then acts very simmilar to> > your default initramfs, which mounts the rootfs and runs init, and your kdump> > capture operations are then implemented in the kdump init script. Is that> > correct?> > For kdump, an own initramfs is built. That does the copy stuff in> initramfs, so that works without rootfs and reboots before init is> executed.> > So the 'copy' script is not the init script but ?init/> script if you ?hg clone> Unfortunately, freehg has no tree view in its web interface.> Ahh, so you do all your dump manipulation with your kdumptool binary, I see now.I handle all of that with various shell scripts in the initramfs. >> Having that said, for testing one must do:> > - install packages> SUSE:> o kexec-tools> o kdump> o makedumpfile> RH: ?> Same here. >> - set crashkernel parameter> => can be done with GRUB configuration manually with editing> /boot/grub/menu.lst, should be the same on RH and SUSE> Agreed. >> - enable kdump (that would be ?chkconfig kdump on?)> => should be the same on RH and SUSE> Agreed. >> - tweak some configuration settings like the place where it should be> saved> => KDUMP_SAVEDIR in /etc/sysconfig/kdump> => KDUMP_DUMPLEVEL for makedumpfile in /etc/sysconfig/kdump> => KDUMP_DUMPFORMAT (?compressed? / ?ELF? / ??)> in /etc/sysconfig/kdump> Agreed. I think this is where we diverge though. We seem to support much ofthe same dump targets but our configuaration directives are different. For me,I would need to configure:<dump type> <type data><core_collector> <cp|makedumpfile> [options] >> - trigger kdump> => echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger> > Most other stuff is ?nice to have? but not ?mandatory? I think?> Actually, you're right. Looking over it, I do have a set of additional options,but none are central to dump collection (link delay specification for spanningtree, kdump pre/post scripts, etc). >>>> Bernhard> -- > Bernhard Walle, SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Architecture Development> > ?Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.?> -- Albert Einstein> > _______________________________________________> kexec mailing list> kexec at> > -- /*************************************************** *Neil Horman *Senior Software Engineer *Red Hat, Inc. *nhorman at *gpg keyid: 1024D / 0x92A74FA1 * ***************************************************/ > _______________________________________________kexec mailing listkexec at lists.infradead.org