I run Plasma, as well as a few Akonaidi/PIM applications on my personal computer. I like the PIM applications to run without intervention after I log in. However, I run into a problem if I simply add them to the "auto-start" list in system settings (i.e., add them to my XDG autostart directory). If Akonadi server is started before Plasma has finished loading, then the Plasma UI will not display until after Akonadi has also finished loading. Since auto-start applications are launched before Plasma is finished loading, and PIM applications will automatically start Akonadi, this results in a prolonged delay of about two minutes, during which I can't really do anything. I've worked around this by setting a systemd timer to launch the PIM applications a certain time after Plasma has loaded. This works: I don't need the applications right away, I just don't want to manually launch them, but it is nevertheless inconvenient and a bit kludgy-feeling. For example, every time my distro's Korganizer package updates I have to remove the `korgac` desktop file from `/etc/xdg/autostart` to maintain this. I bring this up to the mailing list because I get the impression that this is actually deliberate on the part of Plasma, i.e., probably to accommodate PIM- related desktop gadgets. Hence I dub it an "inconvenient behavior" rather than a bug. But I don't know that for sure, and I suppose that'd make the difference between me submitting this as a bug report or a feature request. The delay occurs if only `akonadictl start` is run from an auto-start script, so it isn't any of the particular PIM applications. So, does Plasma deliberately wait for Akonadi? Or is this a bug? -Ellie Hawk