>I don't know where to look or to find a login.script or where to store a plasma startup script. Check the manpage of the shell you use (bash, [t]csh, zsh etc) to see what options you have to execute things on login and logout. Plasma startup scripts are controlled via system settings/Workspace/Startup and Shutdown. >How would xinit be involved? Unless you use Wayland, this is how the X11 environment that displays your windows is started. You may already have a .xinitrc file in your home directory, which is a shell script that can execute any kind of command; the only requirement is that the last command keeps running until you log out. On a Plasma4 desktop that is the `startkde` command which bootstraps the KDE desktop. I use this script myself to ensure that the X11 resource database (xrdb) is set up exactly the way I want. Two big advantages to using this file for force-restoring a Plasma setting: - you're certain it is done before the Plasma component in question is even started - you don't have to worry about doing it only once per session R.