gene heskett posted on Thu, 08 Mar 2012 15:05:30 -0500 as excerpted: > This is rapidly turning into a PIMA. I would switch to claws but the > last time I looked, it did not have an import from kmail function. And > my kmail corpus goes back to early 2002, nearly 10 years. That is > several gigs worth of messages I do NOT want to leave behind. Note that while claws doesn't have an import from kmail function, it DOES have a script available that will do it. That's how I handled things here, altho I had to hack it a bit to get it to work, since the shebang was calling for an ancient python. But I updated the shebang to the version of python 2.x that I had on the system, and got it to work. See my older posts on the subject for further details. (Of course, ensure you have backups before running such a script, but it didn't screw things up here. I wouldn't expect a python3 to work, tho, but it might.) I'm apparently more selective with mail than you; I use gmane's list2news and pan for mailing lists, don't do /so/ much by mail, and generally delete spam, so I had less mail size-wise to convert, a bit under a gig. But I had mail going back before the turn of the century, to early 2002 from kmail, then before that, imported into kmail in 2002, from MSOE, back to 1997 or so. I really should probably spend a couple days going thru the oldest stuff and deleting much of it, and I've done a bit of that, but I could certainly do more. I could probably get it down to ~300 MB or so if I did. But there's always more important, or at least more interesting, stuff to do. -- Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs. "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman ___________________________________________________ This message is from the kde mailing list. Account management: Archives: More info: