for the last week or so i'm experiencing plasma-desktop getting corrupted without any apparent reason: the standard panel disappears, additional activities 'create themselves,' and the desktop seems to be in front of running applications. app.s show up on alt+tab (task switcher), but are invisible behind the desktop. they react to keystrokes, like alt+F4, but don't show up. restarting plasma-desktop doesn't help in such situations. only deleting everything plasma-related from ~/.kde4/share remedies the situation. i'm not complaining: using factory such things are to be expected, and i have the awesome windows manager to fall back to if things should get worse. but i'd like to know if i'm the only one experiencing this, i.e, if i have messed up something in my box, or if this happens to others too? -- phani. ___________________________________________________ This message is from the kde mailing list. Account management: Archives: More info: