Re: Plasma workspace error

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Today's Topics:
>    1. Plasma workspace error (lafeber-dumoleyn2)
>    2. Re: Plasma workspace error (Thomas Olsen)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:51:11 +0200
> From: lafeber-dumoleyn2 <lafeber-dumoleyn2@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject:  Plasma workspace error
> To: kde@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Message-ID: <4BD59A4F.8010207@xxxxxxxxx>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Since the last update of Kubuntu I get an error with Plasma workspace 
> KDE DRKonqi Kdeinit4 PID 1478 signal: segmentation fault. The desktop is 
> completely black.
> Via Google I found a solution on a forum: rename .kde4 folder. But I 
> cannot find a .kde folder. There is a folder with the name kde4 in /etc 
> and /usr, but not .kde4.
> I can open any program I know the name of with Alt+F2, but I cannot 
> reach them through Start (which does not show).
> When I start Kubuntu in Recovery mode the prompt is root@myPCname. When 
> I type Rename .kde4 kde4Bup I get an error message.
> Can anyone help me out?
> Hannie

> Message: 2
> The folder ".kde" or ".kde4" resides in your home folder and contains different 
> settings for KDE. Some distributions name it ".kde", others name it ".kde4".
> At the login press CTRL+ALT+F1. This will get you to a text based console.
> mv ~/.kde .kde.bak
> If you get an error try:
> mv ~/.kde4 .kde4.bak
> Press ALT+F7 to get back to the login again and try to log in.
> Now you should get a fresh Desktop but any modifications you have made will be 
> lost.
> If you do not want to remove settings for the Desktop and all applications try 
> this:
> find ~/.kde -name *plasma*
> or
> find ~/.kde4 -name *plasma*
> This will list all the files containing Plasma related settings. Try to rename 
> them one by one using the above mentioned "mv" command ("mv" means "move"). 
> Start with the file named /home/<username>/.kde/share/config/plasmarc

>OK - it seems you succeeded in moving .kde to .kde.bak. The prompt should have 
>nothing to do with this. "~/" is simply your home folder as in 
>/home/<username>/ so "~/.kde" is equivalent to "/home/<username>/.kde".
>You should not do "find .kde.bak". When you type "ls .kde" it should say "No 
>such file or directory" because you have moved ".kde" to ".kde.bak". If this is 
>true and you still get no desktop on re-login please post the contents of 
>.xsession-errors from your home folder and any other error messages here.
Thomas Olsen

Hello Thomas,
I am not sure if I can send the file .xsessions-errors to this list as an attachment.
It consists of 619 lines, which is also too much to paste here I suppose. Please let 
me know which is best.
Can you explain to me what this move action really does? When I restart 
Kubuntu I think a fresh folder .kde is made, because I can see it in Dolphin.
But I still have a black screen, and no desktop. The error message is:
Workspace KDE DRKonqi closed unexpectedly (I translated the Dutch message) KDEinit4
PID 1551 Signal: 11 (segmentation fault). This error occurred after the last update.
The update window mentioned 30 blocked updates. I have no idea why they are blocked.
I run Kubuntu in a virtual machine.

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