Re: KDE 4.3.4 cannot start

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Sagara Wijetunga wrote:
> James Tyrer wrote:
>>> I have found an error, some important variables mentioned in 
>>> were not set 
>>> properly. 
>> Could you please be more specific?  Or, was it just that you needed to
>> set them to different values because things were installed different
>> places on your system?
> No, certain variables such as XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_CONFIG_HOME were not 
> set at all. They are at a different location in 
> page, not under 
> "Switching to KDE-4". export QTDIR was missed.
In both cases, it was intentional.  There is no need to set the default 
paths for XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_CONFIG_HOME.  They are included in the 
"$HOME/.bash_profile" file for the KDE-4 user only to override any 
possible settings elsewhere on the system.  I did not include "export 
QTDIR" because it is needed only to compile against Qt libraries, not to 
run application compiled against them.

However, I should have added some comment about both issues (and I have).

>>> I have fixed it and then ran startkde, now it complain following:
>>> **
>>> kstartupconfig4 does not exist or failed. The error code is 3. Check 
>>> your installation.
>>> kstartupconfig4 exists:
>>> type kstartupconfig4
>>> kstartupconfig4 is /usr/bin/kstartupconfig4
>>> I have Google searched on kstartupconfig4 issue, but still could not 
>>> find a proper fix, any idea to share?
>> I still think that you should install KDESupport.  It installs these
>> packages:
>> akonadi
>> automoc
>> cpptoxml
>> decibel
>> phonon
>> polkit-qt
>> qimageblitz
>> soprano
>> strigi
>> taglib
>> taglib-extras
>> tapioca-qt
>> telepathy-qt
>> I specifically note "polkit-qt" which might be your specific problem.
>> Before you install Qt-4, you need to install:
>> DBus
>> DBus-Glib
>> HAL
>> HAL-Info
>> PolicyKit
>> EggDBus
>> polkit
>> ConsoleKit
>> and the file: "/etc/dbus-1/session-local.conf" might need "servicedir"s
>> added.
>> You also need to install "qca" (after you install Qt)
>> The other stuff listed:
>> might not be needed for KDE 4 to start, but they are dependencies and
>> you should install them.
> I have pre installed what is mentioned in the 
>, others installed 
> as when needed when compiling KDE. What is not installed in what you 
> mentioned are only cpptoxml, tapioca-qt and telepathy-qt. They were not 
> mentioned at the cmake stage yet.
> I have found why /usr/bin/kdostartupconfig4 fails.
> /usr/bin/kdostartupconfig4
> kdostartupconfig4(12560) main: Running kdostartupconfig.
> kdostartupconfig4(12560) main: "/root/.kde/share/config/startupconfigkeys"
> echo $?
> 3
> ls -l /root/.kde/share/config/startupconfigkeys
> ls: /root/.kde/share/config/startupconfigkeys: No such file or directory
> ls -l /root/.kde4/share/config/startupconfigkeys
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 371 Jan 8 12:49 
> /root/.kde4/share/config/startupconfigkeys
> So the file path specified is wrong:
> QString keysname = KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "config", "startupconfigkeys" );
> QFile keys( keysname );
> if( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ))
>     return 3;
> Now the question is what environment variable provides .kde4 instead .kde?
That would be KDEHOME.
James Tyrer

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