Basil Fowler posted on Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:11:45 +0000 as excerpted: > You have confused the two commands. > > su means "switch user"[.] When you use su, if it has no arguments, it > assumes that you wish to invoke the root account and will demand Root > account's password[.] If you follow su with an account name [you] will > will be prompted for [its] password[.] When the correct password for > the TARGET account is entered, you will then be running as the target > account[.] > > Now, with distros such as Ubuntu, the root account is disabled, so su > does not work. A correct password (equivalent to MASTER) does not exist. > sudo is a program that is designed to solve a difficult administrative > problem. How do you give an ordinary user power to perform an action > (such as managing printers) that normally requires root privileges > without giving him /her complete control over the machine? > > Sudo looks up a special file - readable only by root - /etc/sudoers, > which lists who can do what under which conditions, and allows or denies > the desired action accordingly. Well stated. I look at the two commands this way: 1) su, switch user, normally requires the TARGET user's password, and switches unconditionally to that user. If the TARGET user doesn't have a password, it cannot normally be switched to. The exception (the the "normally") is the traditional "root can do anything" -- IOW, root can su to any account configured in /etc/passwd, without entering a password at all. Of course, if said user doesn't have a shell configured in /etc/ passwd (or if the shell is set to /bin/true or /bin/false or the like, a common tactic to disable login), then root will still have trouble su-ing to that user. 2) sudo, super-user-do (else switch-user-do) is intended to be much more limited than su. A user may ONLY sudo as allowed in the /etc/sudoers file, which controls all aspects of what is allowed (which users may sudo, what commands they may sudo, what parts of the environment are allowed to be carried with them, whether they are prompted for a password when they sudo, whether that password is their own or the target's password, etc). Unlike su, typically, sudo requires the sudo-ing user's password, NOT the target user's password. This allows said user to do what's allowed in the sudoer's file using only their own password, thus without having to know another one, BUT, the user can ONLY do what's allowed in the sudoer's file. Of course the sudoers file can and often does contain wildcards, such that a user configured therein may be able to do anything. It can also be configured to allow certain commands without a password, while requiring the password for others. Also, the allowed commands can have their parameters and options specified, so ONLY that /exact/ command, including all parameters and options as specified, can be run, or the configuration can be made looser, allowing a command with any parameters and options a user cares to add. Thus, sudo can be configured with the sudoers file to a much finer degree than can su, which either works, allowing everything that user could do (for root, traditionally everything, period, tho selinux with newer style acls, access control lists, can limit even root), or doesn't work, allowing nothing. But su requires the target password while sudo normally only requires the sudoing user's password (tho that too can be configured). As Basil mentioned, sudo gets very particular about its sudoers file. If there are any errors, it won't let you sudo at all. Thus it uses the traditional vi* indirect editor setup. vi is short for visual editor, and refers to the traditional Unix editor of the same name, but the vi* commands normally honor the VISUAL and EDITOR environmental variables so the user can specify their own editor preference. The various vi* commands thus allow indirect editing of the system file in question, checking format of the edited file before replacing the active one and/or taking care of locking, to help avoid catastrophe should a mistake be made. visudo is our command for editing the sudoers file, ensuring that the format is correct before replacing the existing sudoers file, thus protecting from "stupid" mistakes possibly locking out sudo entirely, if the format is wrong. Similarly there are the vipw and vigr commands for editing /etc/passwd and /etc/group, a vidir command for editing a directory as if it was a file (this one I've never used), etc. Of course, vim isn't such a command but the common form of the vi editor itself. Here's how I have my setup configured, as an example. I have both su and sudo installed, tho I rarely use su for the same reason I rarely login as root -- "don't take the name of root in vain", there's just too much chance of fat-fingering something. Instead, I have two users configured in sudo, my normal user, with extremely limited no-password sudo access to rather nailed down specific commands (DEFINITELY no editors that allow the user to shell out to bash or whatever, for instance), and an "admin" user, allowed to do everything with no password -- almost like root, but still requiring the sudo command to actually do stuff said user would not /normally/ be able to do. Then, my normal user has one more allowed command, this one WITH a password, that invokes sudo to switch to the admin user. This config allows my normal user to do whatever he'd normally be able to do, plus a few specific commands (tcptraceroute, syncing my distribution repository, etc) using sudo without a password. The normal user is also specifically allowed to sudo to the admin user, but WITH a password. The admin user is again allowed to do his normal stuff without sudo, but can also sudo anything (including sudo bash, thus logging in as root), without further passwords. This allows me to do stuff like constructing a mkfs (that would format a drive) command as the admin user WITHOUT the sudo command -- if I screwup and hit enter before I'm ready, I won't damage anything. When the command is all setup, I've double-checked that I'm operating on the correct device, etc, I can hit enter and of course get a permissions error, then hit the uparrow key to recall the last command, home to set the cursor to the beginning of the command, and sudo<space> and enter, to finally execute the command as root. FWIW, another strategy to avoid errors at the command line, say when deleting stuff, is to use the shell's auto-completion. In the case of bash, this is the <tab> key. If there's just one possible completion, it'll make it for you, if there's more than one, it'll beep and you can hit tab a second time to get all possible completions (if there's a lot, it'll ask you if you are sure you want to display them all, first). If you're removing a file, using auto-completion can help you make sure you rm the /right/ file. Combine that with the above strategy of entering the command first as as the admin user without sudo, where it'll fail if you try to delete system files, then going back and adding sudo, and making a catastrophic mistake like deleting from / due to a fat-fingered typo, becomes far harder. Meanwhile, as usual, the manpages for su, sudo, and sudoers, should be very helpful with the details, once you know the general idea behind the commands, at least. The sudoers manpage in particular can be helpful in setting up a usefully powerful but still relatively secure sudoers config. Don't forget to use visudo for editing, to make sure the format is correct before the file is saved! =:^) (FWIW, there are very helpful manpages for the formats of other critical system files as well. passwd, group, fstab, xorg.conf and inittab among others, should all have very useful manpages. Such config file format manpages are always section five, so for commands where the config file is the same name as the command, man 5 command should get the config file manual, while simply man command will normally get the command manual, section 1 for user commands and section 8 for system commands.) -- Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs. "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman ___________________________________________________ This message is from the kde mailing list. Account management: Archives: More info: