Duncan posted on Tue, 20 Oct 2009 10:36:57 +0000 as excerpted: > It appears the r6xx chips all do 8k square texture support, thus at that > level or above, dual 2560 width should have full OpenGL/3D accel, > regardless, and it's no longer an issue needing consideration. The bus > interface is native PCI-E 16X, tho I've seen claims of AGP > bridge-chipped versions as well, but never actually seen any myself, tho > I've not been looking at the r6xx chip level as much. Hmm... Newegg carries nearly 20 hdxxxx cards with AGP 4/8x bridge-chips, hd....: 2600 (rv610/630), 3450 (rv620/635), 3650 (?), 3850 (rv670), 4650 (rv730), 4670 (rv770), all new, and an open-box 3450. So I seem to be wrong about not having AGP versions of the hd-series models. Prices appear to run about $90-110, mostly, but as low as $50 and as high as $191, plus shipping of course. They have two x1650s listed as well, no x1950s, but an old 9250 128 meg for $33. =:^] So if I wait a few more months until the r6xx/7xx chips have at least semi-stable 3D in the xorg drivers... it looks like I'll have lots of choices! According to the ati.amd.com site, the hd3400 is dual-link/single-link. The hd3600 is dual dual-link, as is the hd3800. The whole hd3xxx series appear to be 8k square texture mapping. The hd4650 and 4670 are both under the mainstream hd4600 page. It says only the primary is dual-link. 8k square texture mapping. So of those listed on newegg, the hd3650 and hd3850 as well as the hd2600 would fit requirements. Given that the prices seem to run about the same and the xorg/kernel drivers are going to be the same, probably an hd3850 model looks about the best, *IF* one's willing to wait for driver stability or run the git versions and cope with whatever issues... FWIW, just checked a few other places as well, and nowhere I checked seem to come close to newegg on agp based radeon hdxxxx choice and price. Despite their general popularity, I've never bought from newegg, as they just never seemed to have what I wanted at the price I wanted -- always just a bit higher, but maybe this is the time. They seem to specialize in ATI and AGP, at least compared to other places. =:^) -- Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs. "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman ___________________________________________________ This message is from the kde mailing list. Account management: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde. Archives: http://lists.kde.org/. More info: http://www.kde.org/faq.html.