Anne Wilson posted on Sat, 19 Sep 2009 10:00:33 +0100 as excerpted: > There actually was a bug in the AutomatiK widget, which the developer > has now fixed. AutomatiK and Lappy, both superkaramba widgets, give a > huge amount of information, but at the expense of a lot of screen real > estate. I couldn't live with either on my main working desktop. By > using tiny fonts and the configuration panel it's possible to tuck > gkrellm away into a corner, where it's fairly unobtrusive, so while > these two widgets have value in their own right, they aren't really a > replacement for gkrellm. FWIW, I have them on a separate activity, > quickly available via activity-switcher bar. FWIW, I've been offline for a week... Rule to remember: If you're going to flash your BIOS, make sure your memory is good! I had a bad stick of RAM that killed the BIOS flash half way thru. Of course, that left the system unbootable! Luckily I had my netbook (tho it's near shipped default, I've not done much with it) to work on, to browse the net and order a new pre-flashed BIOS chip. A week later now, I got the chip yesterday, installed it, and spend all nite tracing the bad memory and working out BIOS settings, some of which work differently with the new version than before. Back on topic... this is something I've actually spent some time on recently, trying to replace all the ksysguard kicker applet graphs I had running in 3.5, so you're in luck as I know a decent bit about it now. =:^) There's actually two ways to start superkaramba "themes" in kde 4.3.1, neither one of which are particularly intuitive, particularly since the documentation hasn't caught up with the still evolving plasma merged interface yet. First of all, if you want an idea of how to actually customize the theme, etc, links to the (old but still reasonably useful) documentation, and all that, Linux Magazine had a very nice magazine article on Superkaramba themes and a simple intro to creating your own awhile back. The article remains available as a PDF. It appears I didn't save the link, only the PDF, but a google on the name should fine it... Yes, here it is: SuperKaramba Widget Builder: There's all sorts of links at the end of that to the various documentations on the Superkaramba site, if you're interested in seeing exactly what sort of commands, etc, are possible. If you're like me, you WILL be customizing! Now, as far as KDE4/Plasma, as I said, there's two ways to handle superkaramba themes, currently, the old way using superkaramba, and the the new way using plasma. Each has its advantages and idiosyncrasies ATM, as the port isn't really complete yet. The following is from memory and the specific details might be slightly screwed up (reversing which file type works correctly in which method, etc), but the ideas are accurate (compatibility isn't perfect between the methods and what theme package types they support, and it's that way due to the fact that we're effectively in the middle of merging superkaramba into plasma, ATM). To use plasma direct, from plasma's add widget dialog, hit the Install new Widgets button, Install from Local File. Choose SuperKaramba in the resulting dialog, and you'll get a file chooser dialog. Point it at the file (make sure it's where you want it to be, not just the temporary download dir, as plasma will remember it there), and it should then add that superkaramba widget to your add widgets dialog. Complications of doing it this way include the fact that there's no GUI method for removing widgets added to the add-widget dialog, if you were just experimenting and decided you didn't like it. That's why I cautioned to ensure it's where you want it before you open it, too, or the entry will permanently point to the download file location and won't work if you attempt to move the theme elsewhere. You'll have to find the location in kde's config and delete it from the text file directly. Also, *.skz files are a fairly new format. Not all superkaramba themes are appropriately packaged, yet, and just adding the theme files doesn't work. (Or did I get that reversed, and adding the uncompressed theme works but not adding the skz?) Advantages include the fact that plasma integration is where superkaramba is headed. Superkaramba is no longer being developed on its own, and I believe ultimately, this will be the only way to handle superkaramba themes. The other way of doing it uses superkaramba. Run it, and use its GUI to choose themes. The superkaramba controller will appear in the tray (only using this method, not the above plasma method), once there's a theme running. This is the only way to use themes not yet setup as skz files, I believe, and indeed, IIRC you can't use skz files here directly, you have to unpack them manually into the KDEDIR/apps/superkaramba/ subdir, which is the way they managed tarballs previously. Advantages here are that it handles the legacy formats and that it runs fully transparent themes, instead of plasma color themes. Of course, that can be a negative as well, if the desktop color is the same as the text color in the theme. Also, this works better for experimenting, as the themes don't get permanently listed as they do in plasma's add widget dialog. Disadvantages include that this method would appear to be on its way out. It's unlikely to be available in 4.5, and may well not make it to 4.4, likely depending on how much other new plasma stuff is slated for 4.4. NOW, an alternative that works better for me! =:^) I discovered on kde- look a plasmoid that very similar to a simple superkaramba theme by itself. If you take apart a complex superkaramba theme with a whole bunch of different components, you'll discover that often, it's simply a compound theme composed of several other themes. This plasmoid can't do the compound thing... all by itself anyway, but it'll do a single theme quite well, and you can of course run multiple instances of the plasmoid, each pointed at a different configuration file. The plasmoid's name is yasp-scripted (based in turn on yasp, yet another system monitor, but much more user configurable thru its scripting). Anyone who's familiar at all with superkaramba's commands and setup, or even just the output, should immediately recognize many of the same GUI elements and script resources in yasp-scripted. I had read thru the superkaramba docs and explored some existing themes a bit, but found superkaramba a rather bigger bite to take than I was really prepared for at the time. yasp-scripted ended up as FAR more manageable bites, and I have several of the plasmoids running on my desktop, well, spread horizontally across a panel, now. I may eventually switch to superkaramba themes, but this works now, and the setup is so similar, I expect I'll have a nice headstart from yasp-scripted when I do, just as studying the superkaramba docs gave me a head start on yasp-scripted, even if I found them a bit overwhelming in terms of setting up my own superkaramba themes directly. I had intended to post all about my yasp, scripted discovery last week, complete with screenshot, etc. Unfortunately, I'm a week behind, now, and due to a new 2.6.31 kernel issue I've also been dealing with but which has a solution now, once I get around to actually setting up the solution, a number of my yasp-scripted plasmoids are only showing errors ATM, so a screenshot isn't quite appropriate yet. However, at least if you can handle a bit of scripting (your choice, shell, python, whatever), yasp-scripted will likely be much easier to setup for small outputs as it looks like you want, at least short term. Unfortunately, unless you can find a superkaramba theme that nearly perfectly fits your needs (I couldn't, here, after spending several hours looking), you'll need to basically learn how to program it in ordered to get it configured properly, and at least here, I found that a bit overwhelming. yasp-scripted is just the sort of limited scope version that I needed to get started, and as I said, they're similar enough it should give me a jumpstart into superkaramba when I feel ready for it, as well. So yes, I do think yasp-scripted is much more likely to be what you want, ATM, provided of course that you know /some/ shell (or other) scripting, and can't find a pre-made superkaramba theme that exactly fits what you want. -- Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs. "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman ___________________________________________________ This message is from the kde mailing list. 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