I cannot find an IRC plugin for Kopete in KDE 4.1. I asked on mydistro's mailing list and they say that IRC support will not beavailable at all in Kopete in KDE 4. Can someone confirm or deny this?All I could find was this downstream (Kubuntu) bug and I do not knowhow reliable the commenters are:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork-kde4/+bug/201732 Thanks! -- Dotan Cohen http://what-is-what.comhttp://gibberish.co.ilא-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת; ä-ö-ü-ß-Ä-Ö-Ü___________________________________________________This message is from the kde mailing list.Account management: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde.Archives: http://lists.kde.org/.More info: http://www.kde.org/faq.html.