There is certain behaviour of copying process in KDE that makes it irritating. Older versions and other desktop products for different OS's would require some action before committing highlighted text to the clipboard. Not so KDE 3.5. It is very easy to rewrite desired clipboard content just by deleting something else or unintentionally moving the mouse when switching windows. Example: I highlight the desired text in one window. The text gets automatically copied into the clipboard. When switching to another window the mouse is positioned over the text there and if I move the mouse ever so slightly when still holding down the left button, the clipboard gets overwritten. I know there is another clipboard activated by combination of keys which does not suffer from this problem. Question: Is there a way how to revert to the old behaviour when one had to click on the right button while holding the left button to transfer the highlighted content to clipboard? Or any other possible way of introducing a "confirmation" action into the process? Thanks Frank -- <feeb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ___________________________________________________ This message is from the kde mailing list. Account management: Archives: More info: