If so what has changed about that user.
It sounds like the permissions may be wrong on only your home directory, though I am just guessing here. What is the out put of ls -l /home ?
On 7/11/06,
Lazar Milicevic <lazar.milicevic@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I can not write on my hard drive it say that
i dont have premission how can i get premission.And i dont shar my system
whit others i am only user of computer When i type command "su"
when ask for password i can not type my password.
When i wont to play a film (.avi) with my kaffein player an error
mesage shows "A problem occur while loading a library or
When i wont to play music white amaroK i select one song(.mp3) and i click
play, and say playlist finished.
And is it instllate WineHQ in Kubuntu
I use Kubuntu version 6.06 LTS
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Burn's Hog Weighing Method:
(1) Get a perfectly symmetrical plank and balance it across a sawhorse.
(2) Put the hog on one end of the plank.
(3) Pile rocks on the other end until the plank is again perfectly
(4) Carefully guess the weight of the rocks.
-- Robert Burns
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