Mikhail Yarmish wrote: >Andriy Rysin wrote: > > > >>Check 'Include latin group' option. >>But this may not work in some Mozillas - there's a bug there. >> >>Andriy >> >>Mikhail Yarmish wrote: >> >> >> >> >> >>>Hello everybody, >>> Is there any way to make english hotkeys work in the different >>>layouts? For example, if at the moment non-english layout is on and I >>>press some english hotkey (they are in all programs) I want it works... >>>The version of my kde is 3.4.1. >>> >>> >May be there is other way? I have a little problem with that because I >don't use standart kde-switch. I use clean xkb with KKBSwitch for >indication. Looks like kde just use command: >setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us,ru -variant ,winkeys >But when I'm tried to enter it from console - nothing happened. > > > by 'nothing happened' you mean 'the problem is still here'? which applications you have problems with: 1) kde apps 2) gnome apps (like gaim) 3) mozillas (it's a bit different from other gtks apps) Please try all of those types and tell which work and which don't after setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us,ru -variant ,winkeys Also please specify version of X Andriy ___________________________________________________ . Account management: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde. Archives: http://lists.kde.org/. More info: http://www.kde.org/faq.html.