Anders Storsveen said... > I found one serious defect with the transparency/shadow effect in kde! > if you use a shadow in conjunction with the transparency you will get a > darker transparancy, because apparently the shadow is a black > semi-transparent copy of the window which is just a little bigger than > the original window! this is really stupid Yes, it is very poor "design". > and the shadow should only > be drawn outside the window, and not behind it! It makes everything look > gray and dull! And I want to use both... Better still, change the colour of the shadow and watch your whole desktop turn into a squishy pile of do-do - especially when using transparency in the panel. Urgh! Please, no "shadow" in the panel. > On a positive note though, it works really great now with the new > drivers! Yes, it is definitely a good start. BTW, you can use a period (full stop) to end sentences ;-) -- Best, Marc ___________________________________________________ . Account management: Archives: More info: