Also try this ---> cat somefile.wav > /dev/dsp it should return some output, despite any problems KDE may or may not have.
mpg123 also works well to track down sound issues as it is quite verbose.
As an aside I once compiled alsa into the 2.6.11 kernel and had similar issues.
To fix the issue I had to compile alsa as separate modules and things worked fine afterward. The same has held true for the 2.6.12 kernel I am currently using in Gentoo.
Good Luck
On 7/15/05, Jessica Hall <jes.hall@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I thoght thayou might wat to know thato make sure whether it's a bug in the
> new KDE or just a not-enabled feature - also read on the KDE website that
> KDE runs a default APGART sound system whereas the new kernel_2.6 uses
> ALSA, but ...... hey don't know what to say!!!
KDE can use ALSA for it's sound system, arts. There is more information on
sound troubleshooting here:
Jes Hall
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