Hello, Everyone I am at a loss on this one, since everything I am about to describe used to "Just Work" As a result, I don't know where to start to diagnose this. Just to make sure that I hadn't done anything horribly wrong, I did a fresh install of Fedora Core 3. I did not apply any updates whatsoever, completely stock system. There was no id3 tag info in Konqueror's "Info List" view, or "right click on mp3 | Properties | Metadata" This behavior also extends to KRename, but for some odd reason, id3 tags display perfectly in Juk. Also, id3v22 -l *.mp3 shows that the tags are still there. This was not horribly unexpected, since the fact that Fedora Core is not shipped "mp3 Ready" is well known. I then installed taglib and taglib- devel from Fedora Extras. Still no id3 tags/mp3 metadata in any of the above mentioned locations. I have KDE from what I assume we are supposed to call SVN HEAD now. Whenever I reinstall FC, or make a new user account for some reason, I copy my desired .bashrc and .bash_profile to /home/Steve, and I USED to be good to go. In closing, this problem occurs with KDE from SVN HEAD, the version that ships with FC3, and the version from the kde-redhat project. Before my reinstall this morning, the tags also displayed properly in Nautilus. I do apologize for not having more information for you, but like I said, this has always just worked for me. Ooop, almost forgot - the row in Konqueror which would have the columns labeled appropriately for displaying id3 metadata in Info List view, reads thusly: Filename Length Resolution Video Codec Audio Codec As you can see, these are not names of id3 tags. I would recompile KDE from SVN HEAD, making sure that any files that you remind me that I need to have mp3 support in KDE on FC3 are in place, just to see what happens, but as I assume the kde-devel list knows, downloads will not complete on the following KDE SVN modules: kdelibs kdesdk kdeutils extragear And since I can't download kdelibs, I can't start an entirely new KDE install in a different location :( Anyway thank you for your help and your patience, Steven P. Ulrick ___________________________________________________ . Account management: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde. Archives: http://lists.kde.org/. More info: http://www.kde.org/faq.html.