Andrew Kar wrote: For me it seems it does not even try. I've got Reconnect Options set as follows:On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 09:40 am, Izo wrote:Is KGet capable of reconnecting to the password protected FTP sites hosted by FTP servers which regularly disconnect client connections ?All ftp sites disconnect client connections if they are inactive for a period of time. Kget will reconnect upto X times (set in preferences) on a login or broken connection error. I haven't tried it but I would imagine that kget allows the normal net procedure of putting the username and password as part of the Url. No. of Retries = 20 On login or Timeout Eror = checked Reconnect after = 1 minute On broken connection = checked But I relly suspect that this part of the KGet configuration deals with the computer-to-internet connection rather than with the FTP client-server connection since on the same dialog one can find the Connection Type (which I have set up as Permanent since I am behind the firewall) and Offline Mode (unchecked for me) Izo |
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