I am using KDE 3.2, and I am trying to use Konsole with a font that has Russian letters. I have several such PCF fonts installed on my computer. For example, when I run "xterm -fn koi10x20," I can see Russian letters. However, when I run "konsole -fn koi10x20," it first complains:
QFont::setRawMode(): Invalid XLFD: "koi10x20"
(koi10x20 is an alias). When I use the full name:
konsole -fn -cronyx-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-koi8-r
it just ignores it and starts with the normal font.
Any suggestions?
Thank you, Yevgeniy
P.S. Probably because KDE is installed wrong on our system, Konsole also prints many warnings similar to
kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ group 48x48/stock/document not valid.
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