Dear all I have searched the web, the KDE mailing list archives, the documentation and used some intuition, but to no avail: I am trying to disable the "most used applications" list in the kicker of KDE 3.2. Has anyone had any luck? It is a rather annoying feature (at least for myself). Shouts out to all the developers / contributors out there, thanks for making KDE what it is. Kind regards Jon ------------------------------------- Jonathan Tippell Student, University of Cambridge Tel (mob) 07770 262446 (home) 01628 483906 (university) 01223 527418 Email (personal) j@xxxxxxxxxxx (university) jdt31@xxxxxxxxx ------------------------------------- --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.698 / Virus Database: 455 - Release Date: 02/06/2004 ___________________________________________________ . Account management: Archives: More info: