Hi All,
Hopefully one of the last questions for a while ;), but one that I really need to get answered to make my KDE 3.2.1 (Fedora Core 1) desktop good. :)
I have a whole bunch of TrueType fonts installed on my system. I got these in by following instructions outlined at the following location:
This is all fine and well, and OpenOffice finds my new fonts great. They
also show up in the output of `fslsfonts -server localhost:7100`, which
queries my XFS server (with TCP/IP sockets enabled) and returns the goods. However, neither Mozilla Firebird or Konqueror recognize the fonts. With
regards to just Konqueror, and when viewing a webpage, I go to Settings,
Configure Konqueror, and then Fonts on the left, and none of my fonts are
listed in the drop-down menus to the right. Could this be an issue WRT
language encoding, or shouldn't all of the fonts naturally appear there?b
I've checked every language encoding and every drop-down, to no avail. :)
Does KDE / Konqueror handle fonts different and w/o the use of XFS?
XFS is obsolete. If you have a single system (no network) you should NOT use it. KDE/Qt uses FontConfig. The global configuration files for FontConfig should be in: "/etc/fonts/".
To see if it is finding the directories containing your fonts, run [as root]:
fc-cache -v
-- JRT
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