I have asked this questuions already, but noone to replied. How can I rearrange icons on desktop, i.e. change grid settings, if any? Like MS Windows, where is "Vertical alignment", "Horizontal Alignment"...How can I insert newline in a icon description? I.E. line "KDE Audio Player" is in one line, but I'd like "KDE Audio\nPlayer" (C notation). -- With Best Regards. Rashid N. Achilov (RNA1-RIPE), Web: http://granch.ru/~shelton Granch Ltd. system administrator, e-mail: achilov [at] granch [dot] ru PGP: 83 CD E2 A7 37 4A D5 81 D6 D6 52 BF C9 2F 85 AF 97 BE CB 0A ___________________________________________________ . Account management: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde. Archives: http://lists.kde.org/. More info: http://www.kde.org/faq.html.