I 've got a SuSE 9.0 box with KDE 3.1.4 installed. I tries to configure khotkeys using this (sample) khotkeysrc:
---- begin ----
[Section1] MenuEntry=true Name=K Menu - Home.desktop Run=Home.desktop Shortcut=XF86HomePage
[Section2] MenuEntry=true Name=K Menu - /usr/share/applications/xmms.desktop Run=/usr/share/applications/xmms.desktop Shortcut=XF86AudioMedia
[Section3] MenuEntry=false Name=Mail Run=/opt/mozilla/mozilla Shortcut=XF86Mail
[Section4] MenuEntry=false Name=volup Run=~/bin/volup 5 Shortcut=XF86AudioRaiseVolume
[Section5] MenuEntry=false Name=voldown Run=~/bin/voldown -5 Shortcut=XF86AudioLowerVolume ---- end ----
The problem is that khotkeys seems to ignore any shortcuts pointing directly to an executable (sections 3, 4, 5) and only executes sections pointing to a .desktop file (sections 1, 2). The above file worked just fine with earlier versions of KDE (up to 3.1.3). Is this a bug or something?
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