What's a Supermoon and Just How Super Is It?
The term “supermoon” has been popping up a lot in the news and on social media over the past few years. But what are supermoons, why do they occur and how can they be used as an educational tool? Plus, are they really that super?
December 3 marks the first of three supermoons in a row, making now a great time to learn about what causes these celestial events and get students exploring Earth’s only natural satellite.
In the latest Teachable Moment blog from NASA/JPL Edu, education specialist Lyle Tavernier explains the dynamics behind supermoons and how to dispell common misconceptions among students and adults so they can fully enjoy one of the sky's most phenomenal sights.
Plus, two new related lessons get students making their own observations and using measurement and proportions to compare the size of a normal full moon to a supermoon.
Read the Blog
And check out these related lessons from NASA/JPL Edu