Hubble Educator Conference to Cap an Amazing May
Although you would have to be somewhat attentive to the goings-on in space, the month of May 2009 has been quite remarkable. This message is a reminder to join us at JPL at the end of the month for our celebration of the biggest news, upgrades to NASA's Hubble Space Telescope by astronauts on space shuttle Atlantis.
During five spectacular space walks over five straight days, astronauts turned Hubble into a brand new telescope with new equipment and instruments onboard, enabling it to get an even better view of the universe. Our conference will look at Hubble's last 19 years and at what's ahead and include highlights from the servicing mission. We'll also have a look into the 2009 International Year of Astronomy.
The registration form is below. For complete conference details, please visit: http://education.jpl.nasa.gov/events/conf-20090530.html
And in case you missed any of this, in May...
* Shuttle Atlantis (STS-125) successfully launched and completed Hubble Servicing Mission-4.
* Astronomical observatory satellites Herschel and Planck were successfully launched by a European Ariane 5 booster.
* A Russian supply spacecraft arrives at the International Space Station (ISS).
* At the end of the month a Russian Soyuz will bring three more astronauts/cosmonauts to ISS to join the three onboard for the first crew of six. The station will be truly international with a crew of two Russians, an American, a Canadian, a Japanese and a European Space Agency astronaut (from Belgium).
* The Spitzer Space Telescope, one of the "Great Observatories" like Hubble, used up the last of its coolant as expected, and began its "warm mission" to look at near-Earth objects and extrasolar planets.
* Astronaut Dr. Scott Parazynski, five-time space flyer, reached the summit of Mt. Everest. (But he is on vacation time so it isn't really a NASA event!)
To register for this conference please send a check postmarked by Friday, May 22, 2009, for $40.00 payable to "Jet Propulsion Laboratory" to:
Hubble Educator Conference
Attn: Mary Kay Kuehn
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
M/S 180-109
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
Please register by Friday, May 22, 2009. The $40 registration fee includes continental breakfast and breaks both days and a box lunch on Saturday.
For registration questions please call the JPL Education Office at 818-393-0561 or e-mail mary.k.kuehn@xxxxxxxxxxxx
For updates and information visit the JPL Education Gateway at http://education.jpl.nasa.gov/.
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